Cal Poly SLO Transfer Thread for Fall 2021

fr i’ve lost hope for the cal states i haven’t heard from yet

Anybody admitted accept offer of admission yet?

Cal Poly never stopped having on-campus housing in the dorms during COVID. They just put 1 student per room instead of roommates but the dorms still had major outbreaks of COVID. It got so bad that they cleared out an entire building of 1 of the dorms & filled it with only COVID-positive students from all the other dorm buildings to put them in isolation. Students called it the “COVID Dorm.” :rofl:

Tomorrow is a new week everyone! Let’s hope for more releases and good luck!:crossed_fingers:t2::blush:


Is cal poly slo having fall classes in person or no? Depends on campus

Why tomorrow? I have still hope as no decision


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Best wishes for tomorrow y’all!

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Y tomorrow? Did any get sent out today? Yesterday

My bad I meant today, since it’s technically Monday haha

Same to you! Fingers crossed everyone here gets in!

lol another week of me constantly seeing this thread for updates. Praying for all of us


Another day another pending decision :frowning:


I have lived in the dorms this whole time and no one I knew got COVID (I have met about 20-25 people in my building). If you have any questions about on-campus housing, feel free to ask me!


Awesome - 12 of my classmates got COVID while living in the dorms & were removed & placed into the COVID dorm & required to remain there. 5 of my classmates were not allowed to leave home for Thanksgiving break cuz they were stuck in isolation & missed their family Thanksgiving.

Glad it worked out for you!

Everyone that was asking about cal poly scholars I just checked my portal right now and it now says I was awarded a scholarship and invited to their program so maybe they’re now notifying students! :smile:


Awwww yeah - Welcome to the Family. :love_you_gesture:


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All of your SLO Days & WOW orientation fees will be paid by Cal Poly Scholars. You will pay nothing.

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Thank you :raised_hands:
And that’s so awesome given the fees for those two haha

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sooo are we thinking something is gonna come out today or nah?? lol

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