Cal Poly SLO Transfer Thread for Fall 2021

Yes but probably not

Letā€™s hope for the best

The consensus it seems is ā€œyesā€¦ but noā€

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Heard the admissions department is answering questions about admissions. Trying to call them but it isnā€™t even ringing.

If you get through keep us updated lol

any social sites you recommend for transfer looking for rooms or roomates?

nice! I guess I didnā€™t get it then :frowning:

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Iā€™ve been trying to hold hope that it still might come out for us soon but Iā€™m worried

Hello all! Iā€™ve been lurking here for awhile, waiting on Cal Poly myself, applied for Antho and Geography Major. Suspense is killing mešŸ˜…

Welcome to the anxious Cal Poly Slo transfers waiting club lol. Hopefully this waiting ends soon!


is there even going to be a second wave at this pointā€¦


I hope soā€¦ Iā€™ve got some stats to back me up :sweat_smile: not the most impressive, but hopefully competent enough.

Major: Anthropology & Geography
GPA 3.48
IGETC- complete
Golden 4- A,A,A,A
AA-T- yes, in progress, will complete by spring
Pre-Req- not sure if there was any for this major, but I complete all my major courses at the college.
Local-No, Orange County
Work- ~20 hours as a Tech at a church, not major related
EC/Leadership- Currently President of Mindfulness club at Fullerton College, Student Senator for Associated Students, Chair of the AS Environmental Committee. Also part of the Honors program at Fullerton if thatā€™s significant.

I feel this hope is slowing fading for me. The only thing that i am holding onto is that my sister didnt get accepted until march 21 two years ago so we are kinda close to that date. Not sure if there were multiple waves her year

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im dying over here

Honestly if they donā€™t give us a decision on April 1st I be like give me my money back for application fee :laughing:

I was on Reddit and thereā€™s also a lot of people on there saying they havenā€™t received anything yet so I feel like maybe thatā€™s a good sign? Idk


Itā€™s reassuring to say the least. Means they just love to take their time. I do heed though, when it comesā€¦ we probably will all know about it lol


I feel in past years there has been more than one wave of acceptances from what Iā€™ve heard and read so thereā€™s hope still since thereā€™s only been oneā€¦ but idk not getting my hopes too high lol


When was this first one released?

Last week, the 17th I believe.

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