Cal Poly SLO Transfer Thread for Fall 2021


Actually, Cal Polyā€™s Finance concentration has a curve with students competing with each other for an A. Only the Top 25% in the class are given an A.

The following is directly from my syllabus:

Grade Conversion
Specifically, the policy is:
A: Maximum of 25%

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Im sorry to hear that! The accounting concentration and a lot of other majors thankfully do not grade on a curve:))))

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Hey all, I got waitlisted today at 5:50PM.

Major: Child Development
GPA: 3.92
Prereqs: complete
Golden 4: A, A, A, B
Work Hours: 10-15 a week (non-major related)
Local: No

Luckily I had the opportunity to check out Slo this week and it was my first time seeing the town/campus. It ended up not being what I expected which was disappointing, but good at the same time. Because of that I will be removing my name on the waitlist and looking at the six other schools I got into. I wish everyone sooooo much luck and fun at slo or wherever you guys end up!! Loved this group, you guys are gonna have so much fun!


Good luck to you too! Update us on whenever you decide to go:)


just out of curiosity did you happen to major in accounting or finance? Iā€™m trying to figure out which major has the most upside in terms of long term salary pay and increase.

Im an accounting concentration! Out of all the concentrations it has the highest job recruitment percentage! The Cal Poly Accounting Club does an amazing job of connecting students with firms and if you join, you will 100% get a job right out of college. I got an internship with just being at Cal Poly for 5 weeks. If you want to privately message me, I would love to tell you more about the club and accounting concentration! I am now on the board of the club and love talking to fellow transfers:)


Yes, someone posed the link higher up. CS was 3.3% last year with 32 transfer admits. Itā€™s a serious competition. Thatā€™s just as tight as Cal.

You heard any good things about quant analysis? Thatā€™s the concentration I wanna shoot for and Iā€™ve heard some good things so far.

here you go:)

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I have not heard much, but I know its a good concentration! Cal Poly is heavily recruited, so I do not think you could go wrong with any concentration in Business:)

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I will pm you rn.

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Yeah, thatā€™s part of the reason why I wanna go so bad. The recruitment is top-notch and Poets and Quants RoI for business undergrads has Cal Poly pretty high. Itā€™s quite impressive. I wanted to do QA so I could boost my app for the MIDS program at Berkeley. I wasnā€™t worried about jobs anyways tho. I did an internship while in CC and impressed enough to get hired full-time even without a degree.

I was more interested in how the classes are and how the concentration feels. Iā€™m taking CS and Calc 2 rn, and Iā€™m gonna do linear algebra in the summer, so Iā€™m not going to have much to finish for the concentration. Was thinking of picking up a stats minor.


I was thinking about a STATS minor, but I do not have enough time! The one STATS class I took at Cal Poly was 252 and it was amazing! All the teachers are super sweet! I wish I had more info about the QA concentration!


@maora34 forgot to hit the reply button sorry!

Waitlisted, CS major with 3.94 GPA. All reqs completed A+ in golden 4s.

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iā€™m planning to go in as an accounting concentration and I just wanted to say thank you for sharing this!! iā€™ve been looking to find info about the concentration at cp specifically like this and this was so good to hear!

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Yeah of course! If you have any more questions about the club, please pm me!!! I would love to to help you get involved:)

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Havenā€™t heard anything yetā€¦

Major: Psychology
GPA: 4.0
Golden 4: Complete
Prereqs: Complete
Local: No

Also applied to: SDSU (accepted), UCSD (pending), UCLA (pending), UCSC (accepted via TAG), Berkeley (pending)


Gonna be down to wire I tell ya