Cal Poly SLO Transfer Thread for Fall 2021

no I just checked the portal randomly

like just now

no detr im going crazy

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Actually yes. My lab does interns every summer(Bay Area), and since Iā€™m a full-timer, our recommendations can more or less guarantee an offer if we bring it up. Hell, if you got on, could be an intern under my supervision lol. But Iā€™m pretty picky about it since my reputation would be on the line for it. PM me your resume and Iā€™ll take a look.

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same just wait because I think its random at this point

@maora34 sure thing! Thanks a lot

@odmar99 of course.

If any other engineering majors are interested, or just want a resume review, PM me too. I may just be a tech right now but Iā€™ve already got a few full-blown engineer job offers with my unrelated AS/AAs, just from work experience, networking, and resume-building. I just donā€™t want to take them because this isnā€™t the path I want for my life, but I may be able to help those who do want this path.

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To be left on no determination this long has been a privilege and an honor. good luck to yā€™all who were accepted, Long Beach here I come


stats for waitlisted transfer for ag business
-3.9 GPA
-golden 4 (All Aā€™s)
-work yes(16 hours a week but not related to my major)
-IGETC: yes
-EC: (1-5 hours with no leadership)

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When everyone was getting waitlisted yesterday, did you check then? Just wondering if it was a new release or if it could have been from yesterday?

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So Cal Poly is going to leave everyone on read for the weekend who are getting rejections, then drop the hammer on Monday?

What a class act, SLO - Thatā€™s just cruel. I donā€™t co-sign this behavior.


Honestly wouldnā€™t be surprised if they waited till the 1st at this point lol


Haha, this made me spit out my tea, thank you, because of the stoic, doomed-torpedoed-naval-battleship vibes.

Just waitlisted no email, I checked the portal.
Major: Sociology
GPA: transferring with 3.9 GPA
ADT: yes
Pre-reqs: Done plus support courses, all Aā€™s
Golden Four: A, A, A, A finished fall 2020
Local: no but CCC in Santa Barbara
1-5 hours of work non major-related
16-20 extracurriculars and volunteering
Leaderships positions: Yes
Other schools: SDSU (accepted), UCSB (TAG and number one choice), UCB, UCI, UCLA, UCSD, UCD all pending.

Nightly update, still stuck at ā€œno determinationā€


As am I lol


damn theyā€™re gonna wait til the very last second to let us all down, arenā€™t they?


I donā€™t know if anyone posted this already, but they updated the stats for this yearā€™s transfer admissions. Crazy.


Iā€™m glad Cal Poly posts this. I use these numbers, combined with salary and student outcome postings to show people just how insane they are when they think Cal Poly isnā€™t a S-tier school because itā€™s not a UC. Sure, itā€™s not an elite school like MIT, Stanford, CalTech, etc, but these numbers put it right behind Cal and UCLA for selectivity and for salary outcomes too.

Hell, the overall admit rate is lower than all UCs except for Cal and LA and it ties with UCSB.


Most people focus solely on the CSU aspect of Cal Poly & write it off cuz it doesnā€™t have ā€œUCā€ before its name.

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