<p>im sorry but some of your class suggestions are aren't trill.
I didn't listen to you and ended up with a 3.8 and admission to Kelley. So please reevaluate your advice. (i.e CSCI-A110)</p>
<p>Wow, seriously? You’re going to criticize one of the few adults who come to this board offering help? If you really feel this strongly about what you have to say, this is the kind of communication that belongs in a PM.</p>
<p>Kendrick, isn’t this your first semester in college. How did you get into Kelley already? </p>
<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/indiana-university-bloomington/1168034-incoming-freshman-looking-get-into-kelley-schedule-questions.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/indiana-university-bloomington/1168034-incoming-freshman-looking-get-into-kelley-schedule-questions.html</a></p>
<p>Anyway, congratulations on your acceptance.</p>
<p>“are aren’t trill” ? Translation? Kendrick, I must agree with IllnoisMom2006, you can state an opinion in a more courteous manner. Although you may not have intended it, your statement comes across as rude and immature. Congratulations on getting into Kelley. You still have a lot of work ahead of you so you might want to tone down the attitude.</p>
<p>The fact that you (one person) got a 3.8 and got into Kelley doesn’t make the advice inappropriate for the majority. I will congratulate you on your Kelley admission but advise you to demonstrate a little more maturity and judgment if you want to be successful.</p>
<p>Having just taken CSCI-A110 I can say it is a very easy A and great class to take when you are juggling hard ones. Even one to take for first semester when you are figuring things out because it doesn’t have homework. Also it seems like it was a great prep for k-204 which I’m taking in the spring. The only thing bad about it is there is at time mindless work you have to do in class.</p>
<p>Kendrick, How did you manage to receive Kelley acceptance before finals are even over?</p>
<p>It’s called suggesting its not like bthomp1 came to you and forced you to take “specific courses” it doesn’t work that way because you are in college and college students are adults and adults make their own decisions
you are the one who came to this forum and started asking, take it or leave it’s that simple.</p>
<p>Actually I’d like to thank bthomp1 for posting many helpful links and suggestions over the months. It’s been very useful to me, and I’m sure to many others.</p>
<p>Bthomp has consistently given the most sound, well researched and thoughtful advise of anyone on this site. In fact, I think she would easily rival any IU counselor for her depth of knowledge. If you don’t want the advise ignore it. But being rude is not only uncalled for, but is a sign of much trouble in your future if you don’t quickly learn the importance of appreciation and just plain respect.</p>
<p>alright im sorry, came out the wrong way. just dont take csci.</p>
<p>Why do you say that about taking CSCI?</p>
<p>It is a boring class with lots of busy work, but you pick up word, excel, and access skills that you can use throughout school. A lot of Kelley classes have boring busy work, too. A110 is an easy A, and you won’t find many of those at IU, and you won’t have to worry about getting less than a B- in it if you are applying to Kelley. Kendrick, you are right that it is definitely not for everybody. If you are a direct admit, it is a waste of time to take A110, unless you just want the easy A. And if you are also in Hutton, you can find lots of fairly easy A’s to take that are more interesting, if you have enough credits coming in to sign up for them.</p>
<p>S2 got five 5A’s and one B+ with A110 not yet posted. He has a score of 96 on A110 before final. He should be able to get into Hutton now. A110 is the “insurance” course for him to get into Hutton. I was a little nervous about him taking K201 especially the instructor assisgnment is usually unknown at the time of registration. The decision was made after consulting with bthomp1. S2 took care of M118 and M119 before going to IU thanks to the advices received on this forum. Nonetheless, he probably won’t have a shot at the business honors program since next term’s courses will be bloody. But, you do have to consider the entire year of courses if you want to get into Kelley or Business honors.</p>
<p>S2 got a B+ from X104. He suspected a gender preference in his class. I will need to explore more in order to confirm that.</p>
<p>Do you think it matters which prof he gets for k201? I feel like that class is so regulated that it doesn’t even matter.</p>
<p>admission result is on 6th how did you know your acceptance?</p>
<p>*edit i seen your post , isnt k201 required for pre-req</p>
<p>or im out of touch?</p>
<p>Bthomp1 keep doing what you do; we all appreciate it. And bouncy, he/she probably had credits coming in, took 3/4 required to apply, and received no B-'s or lower, so he/she is basically guaranteed he/she is in. That’s probably a good strategy for someone coming in as a non direct admit. For example take 3 courses summer after senior year of high school, something like E201, Finite, or Calc. Then have 12 credits transfer. Take 14 credit load with 3/4 K201, X100, and the math you didn’t take and work hard and apply after one semester.</p>