Campus bug

<p>Wife spoke with son last night. He is very sick. Not strep but said it was the worst sore throat of his life. Went to health services and a got a shot and prescriptions. Said there is a huge number of kids sick with same on campus. Hope all connected to out forum stay healthy…</p>

<p>DD said she felt like she was getting sick. Sore throat was main complaint, I am hoping it is just from going non-stop since she has gotten on campus.</p>

<p>Yes…this seems to happen every year in dorms…</p>

<p>Kids are stressed about starting a new school…they’ve stayed up late (especially during WOW week)…and their immunities are down.</p>

<p>Next year, we need to remind new parents/students to drink plenty of OJ, take VitC, etc…and wash hands/use hand sanitizer frequently.</p>

<p>Searchguy, hope your son feels better soon!!!</p>

<p>End of year is another susceptible time. Our DD was healthy all year, then came home and within a week we were in the Dr office being told she had strep AND a mild case of mono (from sharing drinks with roommate and close friend during finals - another stressful period with compromised immune systems).</p>

<p>My son was pretty sick his first semester. Ended up having to drop Chinese because he missed too many classes. Did take it again but being ill can impact studies. Flying exposes everyone to recirculated bugs, too.</p>

<p>The health center did give good care!</p>

<p>Hoping all get well!</p>

<p>Add my D to the list of kids who had a number of respiratory ailments her first semester. I likened it to when they started pre-school or kindergarten, remember that? Luckily part of her first aid kit included dayquil & nyquil, but I did ship down some of the Campbells single serving microwavable chicken noodle soup.</p>

<p>Hope your kiddos are all better soon! Just wondering what the experience with Health Services was like? We are HSA, high deductible insurance and I am dying to know what the costs are like, and how the care is.
Thanks and feel better:)</p>

<p>D had great experiences with the Student Health Center last year. It took us a while to convince her to go, but once she went the first time, she wouldn’t hesitate to go when necessary. </p>

<p>At the risk of sounding dense, I really don’t know how it worked. I know there were a few low charges on her student account (that I wouldn’t realize until it was time to pay the next term bill) for pharmacy. And I don’t remember ever getting any EOB’s from United but I may not have been paying that much attention…</p>

<p>We had registered or filled something out so that the student health services worked with our insurance…it was really painless.</p>

<p>HSAat DD’s school requires a copy of our insurance card for the file. The HSA charged a visit for meningitis shot to our insurance - we got the EOB shortly therafter. Her U-bill was charged for a pharmacy puchcase when she ran out of the cold medicine I sent her with (other kids on the floor were using it!) - I immediately sent a restocking package after I saw the bill!</p>

<p>I’ve heard about this going around via facebook, so I’m keeping myself prepared.</p>

<p>For those of you with 18 year olds, remember that Alabama requires one to be 19 to purchase certain cold medications. FWIW, Publix does have some cough syrups on clearance.</p>

<p>^^^I know! Can’t wait for D to be an “adult” in the eyes of Alabama later this month!</p>

<p>good to know that while DS can’t buy liquor, he can buy Nyquill :)</p>

<p>19 to purchase cold medicines? Man…that makes it difficult. I guess they would have to get RX from MD instead of purchasing over the counter then. Or parents have to overnight it to them. Does anyone know if the student health center is allowed to distribute those meds? I am assuming it is because of the ephedrine.</p>

<p>New students should bring otc meds with them. Or find a 19 yo who can buy 4 them.</p>

<p>I sent D down with the cold meds in bulk from Costco and I didn’t even know about the whole 17 & 18 y.o.'s can’t purchase cold meds issue. It was just me being overzealous ;)</p>

<p>If she hadn’t had them, she could have asked her roommates (who were older.) I also would think that asking the RA could be a possibility.</p>

<p>whatever you do dont send ONE 19 year old to pick up a bunch for different people… it is monitored and the poor guy might get a knock on the door by officials LOL investigating possible meth production</p>

<p>^^^Oh gosh, I hadn’t thought about that!</p>

<p>@parent56–you speak like someone who has tried to buy Sudafed lately. OY!!!</p>