Campus Way

My OS got a flyer in the mail about Campus Way apartments near campus.
It looks good on paper - close to campus, furnished, cable and Internet included.
However, on Google it has terrible ratings.

Anyone know much about it?


I haven’t lived there but have heard there is a LOT of crime. Everyone says you spend a lot more replacing your stuff than it would’ve cost to live in a nicer apartment. If you grew up in a city or an area with a lot of crime, it might not seem bad. But most people I know who lived there, ended up moving.

Thanks @bamagirl18 - will look elsewhere then.

I can’t say for sure, but according to the FB page, there is a lot of crime in Tuscaloosa, period. Areas that seemed safe really aren’t anymore.

From research, I think the biggest problem w/ Campus Way was it was very poorly managed & needed updating. I believe this has now happened.

The really low prices are to entice students to the “new” Campus Way. It is something I wish DS would consider, but his potential roommates are looking at the more expensive options.

DS looked there last year, but roomies opted for a more expensive option. They have recently renovated all of the apartments as of Fall 2015. They were also supposed to put a fence up and make it a gated complex, but not sure if this has happened yet. It is in a good location as far as convenience to the U - bridge under McFarland so easy to bike to. But it is also located in an area that is not really residential, which may have been why the crime is higher??

I don’t know the area very well, but I know in the beginning of the school year there were a lot of parents reporting break ins and they were very shocked as they were in the residential areas, areas they picked specifically for their safety factor. Consensus seemed to be crime was up far more than it ever had been before, or at least it seemed that way…

Thanks for the info - will probably cross this off as an off campus living option.