Capstone Scholars Day 2013....Roll Call! :)

<p>Thanks for your update! We were planning to go, but with the Panhellenic preview weekends, we just couldn’t make all these trips happen!</p>

<p>I would have loved to see the BCS Champions parade, though!</p>

<p>You don’t see that everyday…</p>

<p>Except, maybe in Tuscaloosa! Lol</p>

<p>Roll Tide Roll</p>

<p>@TXArchitect - My Husband called to report about the day. Basically the same as above poster. They told them there were 47? states represented. H figured maybe 300 kids where they were( same place as above poster). Lots of engineering students. H talked to a number of other parents all very nice. It seemed to him the Mom’s were much more informed about UA then the Dads.:slight_smile: He also talked to a UA engineering student he was very impressed with the student. Overall they felt it was a worthwhile trip and were glad they went.</p>

<p>@MichiganGeorgia there are 47 states represented at the university, I think the number for out of state students there today was 34.
@TXArchitect I’m in the process of uploading my photos from the parade, I’m sure they’ll be up on the school’s website somewhere soon but if you’re interested I can link you when they’re done.</p>

<p>Would love a link…and you could even post them in the tour section of CC!</p>

<p>I am so glad you had a good time.</p>

<p>Did your catapult work???</p>

<p>Yeah that’s probably a better thread this way anyone who’s interested has it available!
Our catapult did shoot far, however it was not self-supporting and we lost because of that criteria. Surprisingly the best one was just someone hitting the spoon and sending it off rather than putting together a makeshift one from the materials we were given.</p>

<p>I couldn’t find the specific thread, if you have it could you link me? For now this is the album.
[Capstone</a> Scholars Day Weekend - University of Alabama | Facebook](<a href=“]Capstone”></p>

<p>Very nice Pictures!</p>

<p>Thank you! I still have a few more from last night that I need to upload</p>

<p>My daughter was so impressed that she has decided to not even visit any other schools (there were two more on her list). She is Bama Bound :)</p>

<p>I haven’t been on CC in a while, but I just want to update you all about my amazing experience on my trip last weekend. I absolutely loved campus! Alabama is exactly what I have always pictured college being like. I flew in Thursday night and, thankfully, got in to a guided tour on Friday. Everything was so beautiful, and the weather was amazing. Everyone there said it was so cold for Alabama, but, compared to Illinois, it felt like the beginning of spring! It was so funny to see everyone freaking out about the “snowstorm” and ice. You have no idea what snow is until you come to Chicago in January! haha. The fact that there were outdoor pools made it all the more encouraging! </p>

<p>I got a chance to see sorority row and visit an honors dorm. The only thing I didn’t get a chance to do was play “Name That Smell” in the engineering dorm! Sorry NRDMOM! Lol. I can’t believe I loved UA so much. It exceeded all of my expectations, and I can really see myself fitting in there! I got to see students walking around campus after classes let out, and they all seemed so nice. Southern hospitality is no myth! Everyone was just so welcoming, and I couldn’t be more happier with my visit. The amazing school pride at the parade was so fun too! I met some other prospective business students at the scholars day activities, and I am so excited about next year. When I had the chance to sit out on the quad, eat lunch in the sun and listen to the Denny chimes, I felt such a strong sense of belonging. I have to hear about scholarships in March, but UA seems like such a perfect match for me at this point. My parents still hate the idea of me being so far away, but they are definitely warming up to UA after my wonderful visit. Thanks for all of your help and support everyone! Roll Tide! :)</p>