Case Western Reserve Early Decision/Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Deferring everyone EA and then suggesting EDII

D deferred. Case is notorious for yield protection and our school’s college counselor nailed that and has seen it for a few years. Sending an email to my D the day before hinting to withdraw if you had an ED acceptance and then the second line of the deferral letter had a click here to convert your application to ED2 is pretty obnoxious. My D really likes Case and her stats are way above their published stats, so she will convert to RD and she gets the concept of yield management and is pretty relaxed. I must say the no nonsense schools with superior CS programs and faculty like WPI and RIT who simply accept qualified students with very attractive scholarships have left a much better taste in our mouth and that will probably effect our decision. Case will improve yields and lower acceptances rates but potentially lose good students.


We found that ED2 hint a little obnoxious. They are trying to manage yields and stats.


Yield Management

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Sorry case, I am not switching to ED2. Especially not when I have an admission to CS programs elsewhere ranked and respected well above you, even if I pay more in tuition.


Yield Management


I totally understand how one feels about the whole process. Not sure what colleges are excepting from the applicants. My daughter got accepted at CWRU with scholarship, but deferred at MIT, UChicago, and denied from Caltech!

Attends one of the highly competitive public school system. Her stats are 3.98uw, 4.4w, ACT - 35, 11 APs with rigorous course load, national level sport, excellent EC’s with leadership positions with many recognitions and awards. She is missing science or math related ECs which can explain Caltech denial.

It felt good to see one acceptance out of so many good schools.


Grace, if you really want to go to Case, stick with it! Lots of strong students getting deferred but your chances to get in are really good if you continue to show interest and keep up the great work. The school is trying to manage stats I believe. It’s a great school so don’t give up. And surely you will have lots of options.

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Looks like gmail access trick is a good indicator.

Son also deferred by Case EA. This whole process is simply crazy! He was hoping to get into Case as he loved it, ticked every box for him. He was expecting deferment from Tulane, but was accepted to the Honors College, with 52K in merit ahead of any aid. From reading all these threads on different schools it truly does seem that schools want an EDI or EDII commitment. And that simply doesn’t work for everyone
You are ALL amazing. You truly are
be so proud!!!


My son was also deferred. He’ll move to RD - is there a deadline that he is not seeing? For moving it to RD, the short answer and the 7th semester grades?

Maybe? But it seemed like everyone on the earlier thread had gmail access.

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Wow, congrats on Tulane! That’s an impressive admission! Agree about ED, 100%

The stats on this thread are humbling. So many accomplished kids, so much hard work, and so much to be proud of, regardless of a single decision :two_hearts:


The defer letter says Jan 22

Thanks! He must not be paying attention!

Brutal! :frowning:

What’s the point of all the aggressive marketing- attracting good students, & then playing games with them?


Daughter Accepted with 33k merit!


I think so. The dean acknowledges and makes the applicant’s feel good about the acceptance :)) My daughter got one that said " PS: I hope to see you take the ___for the CWRU Spartans team in the near future."

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Son accepted with 33k Presidential Scholarship and 18k and change need-based grant, for 52k total aid. Case a top choice for him, so he’s beyond thrilled. URM, UW 3.8, W 4.2, APUSH, Honors Chem (no AP Chem option at his school), AP Bio, AP Calc AB, AP Calc BC, AP Physics, APES, AP Music Theory (took 7 out of the 9 available AP offerings), Paid Work Experience: Math Instructor at Mathnasium (ongoing), ECs: Electric Bass Guitarist in a Metal Band, Leader Sound/Lighting Tech Crew, Middle School Math TA, Elementary School Music TA, pre-COVID athletics (Track, Cross Country, Club Swimming), interviewed in July, wrote admissions and asked if he could write a “Why Case?” essay, since there wasn’t the opportunity of an official supplement to explain that, they said sure, why not, so he uploaded that as an extra document after he applied, OOS California, desired major Aerospace Engineering (really drawn by their relationship with Nasa Glenn Research Center in Cleveland). At the bottom of the acceptance letter, it reads: “P.S. Don’t forget to bring your electric bass guitar to CWRU. I hope to see you perform in CWRU’s Battle of the Bands in the future,” so he says to me, “See, Mom? All this fussing about my ECs not being serious enough, and look - spending millions of hours doing what brings you joy is always the right choice.” Omicron permitting, there’s a strong chance he’s headed to Cleveland for the fall. Finally stopped crying in order to write this. Best wishes to everyone.