Case Western Reserve Early Decision/Action for Fall 2022 Admission

My son was accepted with 26K scholarship. 3.97 GPA (4.33 weighted). 9 AP/honors classes and 2 additional college classes. Test optional. There are many on this thread with high test scores and high GPAs who were deferred. It is puzzling. I think for my son there were a few in his favor (in addition to a strong transcript with rigorous courses - although no more so than many who were deferred): his main ECs are significant commitment to and success in high powered rocketry (his hobby) and he is a strong, but not recruitable, athlete. He had other ECs too (in music/performing arts, has a job, etc.), but these I think are what made him stand out. He said his interview went very well too, but I don’t think they weight those much. And we are from the West coast, which means less competition than there is among high schoolers who have applied form the midwest. Who knows, though, why him and not other academically accomplished kids. I am just trying to make some sense of all of these impressive kids on this thread getting deferred.


I agree about the seeming randomness of college admissions. My daughter was also accepted in the EA round, with a 40K scholarship. It was a shock since I honestly did not think she would get into Case - even though I think she is the bees’ knees as a person and as a student.

She has a 4.0 UW GPA, 4.6 W, 10 AP classes, lots of rigor. But no test scores (she finally got a SAT spot this December, but the results came too late for EA schools.) No interview either. Like @ lbo1965’s son, she is a “strong, but not recruitable, athlete” and the team captain of two teams, one in the fall and one in the spring. She had interesting, slightly unusual ECs (no school clubs at all) and a clear love of the outdoors. I am 100% sure her recommendation letters rocked, so maybe that tipped the balance. And we are also from the West Coast, which also probably helped.

But honestly, it’s a mystery. All the students in this thread who were deferred sound like awesome candidates who deserved admission too. I wish the process had more transparency (at Case and everywhere)!


lily, I agree that this could very well be yield protection. Case must know that they are the second or third choice for a kid with a 4.0 UW and 1600 SAT who is likely applying to MIT, CalTech and/or CMU. If these same top performers applied ED they would have been accepted and offered financial packages. I went to a nationally ranked high school in NY where 15% of grads went to Ivy League schools (it was all about the status). Amherst got sick of being the safety for kids who really wanted Yale or Harvard, so they started black-balling highly qualified applicants from my HS. Guidance counselors started telling kids whose first choice was Amherst to communicate that the school was their first choice and they would attend if accepted (not sure if they had ED back in the dark ages when I was in HS).

Hopefully this bodes well for my son whose stats were more in line with historical CWRU profiles (770M/750E, 3.9 UW, STEM APs, STEM ECs). He tried checking last night, but the system was over loaded and he could not log on. He’ll check this morning.


Good luck to your son this morning! I think my daughter would have stayed up until 3am to get her decision.

Our son, J, was accepted with a $26K scholarship. His stats fit the historic profile for admitted students at Case. This reinforces my belief that CWRU is rejecting extremely high stat students whom Case admissions officers think are using the school as a safety for MIT, Stanford, etc.

My guess is if the extremely qualified students reapply ED II they will not only get accepted immediately, they will also get offered a stack of cash.


Julie, This was the only acceptance that really excited my son.


We were very afraid of yield protection, but kid was admitted. 1550 SAT 790m/760v, 98 GPA. Good, but not fantastic, ECs/leadership. 6 APs (can’t start until Junior year); 2 dual enrollment; high rigor. NMSF. Major: Engineering. Visited, did a local event and had an interview. Received a merit award. I’m wondering if all of you who have listed “scholarships” are referring to merit or need based or a combo.


Do u need to file fasfa or css to receive merit? If we didnt fill out fasfa and css, would it be negative on the college application?

So happy for your son! And that’s a great award! We would do EDII in a heartbeat if we knew that D22 would get a stack of cash, but if she doesn’t, we would be in a pickle (I will have 3 in college in 2023-2024). Our hope was that her high stats would show them that she is a great candidate who would qualify for a nice merit award, but I guess she didn’t make that obvious enough in the application. Someone here posted that her son asked to submit a “why Case” supplement, which was a fantastic idea that I wish we had thought of!


Was this $40K/year all merit?

That is what I was wondering. I see 34k, 29k, 31.5k, 40k and 26K listed above but am wondering if they are merit, need based or a combo. @poseidonis was specific - 33k Presidential + 18K need based. I’m interested in seeing the breakdowns, but also understand if people don’t want to discuss need based aid.


For D merit, we do not expect any need based aid.

Very generous merit award! Congrats!

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34k/year merit


My son got accepted with $40,500 per year merit. He just checked.


Ours must be merit

Seems like Case is generous with scholarships, the highest seems like is 40k without need base. There are also additional scholarships one can apply which needs additional essays etc

Congratulations on your acceptance. Good luckđŸ€ž to the differed applicants!


The acceptance saved us from making a tough decision - apply ED II, then give up other options (notifications from Purdue, UofM and CMU are Jan 15, end of Jan, and Apr 1, respectively) if accepted, or go RD and reduce his chances of acceptance. In that event, I think J would have reapplied ED II since I think CWRU has become his top pick. He is not excited about UofM (which is heresy in MI); he liked Purdue’s campus, but did not like the process and risk of not getting his preferred major; and his chances of getting accepted at the Nerd Farm (CMU) are approaching zero. The only real competitor is RHIT, which would be his obvious top choice if it were not in beautiful, scenic Terre Haute, IN.


To those of you who wondered what posters meant by “scholarship”, I meant merit scholarship, aka a tuition discount. Not need-based aid. I was assuming that is what everyone meant. Someone said they were required to fill out a FAFSA to apply to Case, but my son was not. So I assumed “scholarships” mentioned in posts were merit based.

Congrats to Jack! His perfect track record continues! S22 is in same boat, waiting for Purdue 1/15, UofM 1/31, CMU and others, but we are SO excited about CWRU and consider this a big win after ED denial. He will likely go to Case over Rose because it has more options for his other interests. Plus there’s the gender thing.

Agree about yield protection
 Case seems to be taking top but not tippy top kids, which is hard. It’s a sweet spot of recognition for my son, who is an amazing, motivated student, but lacks the national awards needed for the MITs. I hope next year’s kiddos consider this sweet spot as they consider Case :hugs:

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