Case Western Reserve Early Decision/Action for Fall 2022 Admission

I just looked at the image you pasted again and did note one major difference even now. Note the my daughter completed her ED2 agreement before January 1 so her file was complete in December. When she got back to school she had the school send along (not asked for) the first quarter grades. Like I mentioned the midyear was listed on hers after she got in. The image you show says (whenever it becomes available). Hers does not say that it is simply asking for it. Her school only has them ready - or so it is believed will be ready - sometime this week. So hopefully they get it now. I wonder if the extra part in parenthesis is indeed requesting the documents for the decision. The original deferral letter from CWRU did say the midyear was needed. I think your best bet is to contact admissions - either the main number or directly to the assigned counselor to find out if it is needed.

Just checking for future information , does doing ED not affect getting merit
Reason we did not do ED is thinking won’t get much merit .
If they do give merit to ED will do that with next kid
Wish we can know about getting merit beforehand , did not want to pay full price

We weren’t expecting anything from CWRU at all and then we were pleasantly surprised to see her receive 24k from ED2. We know that many people were offered a lot more than that. So yes they do give merit in all rounds though I have no way of comparing what she got c what it would have been in RD.

Thanks for sharing this. Maybe will do ED for our 2nd kid .
Got 3 deferrals from Case, Northeastern and U Miami .
Case W and U Miami seems like gives merit to ED so might do that next time

Are they hanging in with the deferrals? My husband is on faculty at UM. In 2020 our son applied EA and got in. This year our daughter got deferred EA and her application would stand out for sure more than his. Both schools seemed to have sent out a lot of deferrals and both schools will eventually admit off of them. My daughter is headed to CWRU after getting in ED2 - once she went to campus she knew it was her first choice. We pulled from The U but we know that getting in off of deferral is certainly possible.

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Any news on ED2?

They don’t all come out at one time and have been coming out for a few weeks now.

CWRU says that the method of application (ED, EA, RD, waitlist) does not affect your merit money.

If they didn’t then they would have less people applying ED.

Thanks! But they said they will release the decision after two weeks from the apply date. My son applied ED2 on Jan 15th but haven’t heard from them yet. It is more than 3 weeks now.

It took more than 2 weeks. Mine applied before Jan 1 and heard 1/22. I would suggest writing to the AO to make sure everything is in place.

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My kid signed up for a virtual interview with an admissions counselor - it was not requested of her - she was deferred EA for bio major . Does anyone know if these interviews are evaluative or just informational and any suggestions on experiences with these or how to prepare?

It’s a school that looks at demonstrated need so simply signing up is a benefit. It’s also with admissions so it means she is chatting with a person that has something to do with decisions. My daughter got in without one after her EA deferral and switch to RD so I don’t know what they ask now but when I had mine 1989/1990 it was questions about my interests so it was an actual interview. I remember it being fun and that the person (director of admissions did mine in person) knew a lot about from already since he had my application. I was allowed to ask questions at the end and I remember it being fun. That interview and my experience on campus at an event almost had me go. Actually it was my favorite school but Emory had one thing over it. I wanted to stay in Atlanta. She should study the website and know about the school, what she is interested in, even the clubs and come prepared with questions. She she also go into it ready to have fun and with the knowledge the school knows they are talking to a high school teenager.



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Mt D22 had a great interview with a woman from admissions in the fall. It was an optional interview that she requested/signed up for. She applied EA and was deferred. She is now jn the RD pool. Good luck!

I remember reading your posts in the lead up to EA. Do you think she will attend if she gets in during RD?

Things shift during the process and CWRU is not at the top of her list anymore. Deferrals really can put a damper on sincere interest. Since then, she’s a semi-finalist for 2 big scholarships at Pitt and has other acceptances with honors colleges and law programs that have her interest. She still likes CWRU but can be objective and weigh options clearly. Case is a great school and may have lost a great one in D22!


Being a finalist for the big scholarships at Pitt is awesome. I really believe in the end it tends to shake out and they wind up at places that fit - as long as they do their homework and don’t listen to all the chatter of others. We know someone that was waitlisted (2020) for NYU Tisch. He got into Elon for theatre and accepted. As Covid went he got in off the waitlist to Tisch in the acting program that he wanted. We just realIzed he isn’t there this semester. He took it off so he could transfer elsewhere and is going through that process. Not sure if he still wants a BFA but he told my daughter he was applying not that he was auditioning. So whatever didn’t click there may have dashed his dreams of a BFA. I said he should have gone to Elon. The school clearly wanted him while NYU only wanted him to fill a surprise hole when Covid made someone choose to take an extra year. Guess we will never know.


Yes, things happen like that. If she gets in, we would certainly weigh out the option with her others. But I believe you should love the school that loves you back, and I am fond of saying Onward and Upward! No school and their decisions define these amazing kids, their goals and dreams, and they do not define them.


I think our kids applied at all the same schools, which is funny because I thought of them as a strange random assortment. Guess my kids thought process has some order to it

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Agreed. D22 was also an EA deferral and she has undergone pretty much the same process you describe your daughter going thru. While CWR overthinks their decision, 2 full tuition scholarships (one for an OOS bringing it to IS level), an EA reach (UVA) has come through and another college invited her, after first review, to apply for a STEM interdisciplinary fellowship for undergrads.

This has blown the door wide open, and making her re-evaluate everything right now.