Case Western Reserve Early Decision/Action for Fall 2022 Admission

That’s amazing! Congratulations to her! Well done to your Rock Star!

Thanks, this has been quite the wild ride so far.

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CWRU accepted Thing #1, and it is one of his top choices. He has already seen the campus, but his mom is taking him to Case next week for an admitted student event to learn more. Does anyone have recommendations on things to see or ask about at Case or the surrounding neighborhood that might shed light on the school and help his decision?

Thanks in advance for any advice.

If you haven’t fully grasped the open policy for majors. Discuss that.

May want to ask about housing since up until this very moment it was guaranteed for all years and the juniors and seniors just learned that due to the size of the current first year class, 17% wanting to live on campus of upper classmen will get bumped next year.

Actually though we recently did the tour experience and mine is heading back for an admitted student one (she is going for sure next year) and found the information to be very detailed. There really covered most things making it almost hard to ask questions.

Mine is doing an audition this weekend for theatre (intends to major in mech engineering with a secondary major in theatre).

Oh that is actually something to ask about. It’s very easy to double major or add minors or whatever at the school but if you are majoring in something let’s say like engineering, the easy double major would also be in the engineering school. To make it also easy to major in something in another school they have created secondary majors. This allows you to remove some of the requirements. On the other hand you could do two primary majors and then have all the requirements or add a minor and have even less.

The co-op programs, internships and overseas options are extensive so something else to ask about.

The ThinkBox is really cool and something else to explore.

On the website they have computer recommendations and for first years it’s not mac but after that it might be. I saw the library allows you to check out laptops but that type of question or if the school provides the software license for needed programs as a download for free. It seems to be yes but…

And lastly the type of benefits that students get to attend the museums and performances at all of the cultural arts sites on and around campus or the ability to take classes at the neighboring institutes etc. if that is of interest.

It’s a city school so questions about safety or getting to/fro the airport.

Just some thoughts. Truth is they cover most of it on their own.


ArrBee provided a very thorough, solid answer to most everything to inquire about. Perhaps you might also ask about Greek life. After that, I recommend going to Mitchell’s for ice cream. It is delicious!

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We also have really enjoyed Little Italy when visiting. Great choice of restaurants and big bakery/deli there



Back when Case did alumni interviews I would ask about their classes, which is their favorite class, who was their favorite teacher and why, their ECs, what would they continue in college, their family, what is their leadership style, what got you interested in Case. We were trying to get a sense of them and maybe fill in gaps in their application.

For example, I had a student that didn’t appear to have many ECs at all, much less leadership compared to other kids I interviewed… But we were talking about that…and it turned out that he watched his little brother after school, so he couldn’t do traditional after school activities. His parents were getting divorced and he started to notice his brother falling through the cracks. So he started making sure he did his homework, and also signed him up for a baseball league. He took him to practices and games.

So not only did he babysit his brother, he showed leadership in making sure his brother had opportunities and support. I made sure to document that in my interview notes.

Be able to answer “Why Case” with some specific examples
For any college, look at their “About” page ( to know what they think THEY are all about. Of those try to relate some of them to what you have done. Do you like research/have done reasarch? Do you like to invent?

Have some questions for the interviewer:

  • What, to you, makes Case special?
  • What would you say the typical Case student is like?
  • Why did you choose Case (if they attended)

Slightly off topic… but @bopper, I love every time you post that story (and reading similar ones in other threads). Tells me to take a pause and get perspective.


Here is the email sent on Wednesday, February 16, 2022.
" To Our Undergraduates:
We write today first to apologize for the confusion and distress that last week’s housing messages caused—and second to announce that we have now identified sufficient university-owned space on and adjacent to campus to meet projected needs . These additional spaces will be included in the housing lottery.

To be clear, we will accommodate 100% of the students who request housing through the lottery process ."


That is wonderful to read and extremely fast to have taken care of it. Guessing that we’re figuring it out the entire time and listening to the students. It’s funny the incoming first years thought they wouldn’t have housing. But that was never a question.

Back in the day (1982) there was an issue for all the freshman getting housing…so they rented out the Circle Inn to provide housing.

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Awesome. When I toured in 1990 seemed that anyone who wanted housing had it. I enjoyed my night in the dorm with the friendly senior I was buddies with.

Seeing the issue for the jr/sr for next year made me really feel for those students. It’s great to see CWRU has come through.

It’s interesting watching how the different schools are handling this. My son’s school added mods for this year on one campus and rented out a hotel on the other campus for this year. Not sure what is happening for next year but he is a rising junior and we already heard them say they do not have enough and will not. The school stopped guaranteeing for jr/sr years back so we shall see what happens. They also said if you fail in the lottery yet really need housing - as long as you don’t care where we put you (even underclass dorms) we will find you something. I told him he doesn’t have a car and he doesn’t care so whatever is needed to be on campus.

The security of knowing the school has it is a such a bonus and the fact that CWRU figured it out is a positive.

Anyone out there know if the finalists for the full tuition scholarships have been notified yet? It says with the Treuhaft, for example, that “Finalists will be invited to a required competition in March to determine the winners.” So, it feels like notifications have been or soon will be sent out. Just trying to determine if my senior still has a chance.

I tried logging in and they were having Tech Difficulties…hmmm!

I emailed awhile back and asked about this… they said only finalists will be notified in late March.


That is good news, thanks.

Hi Everyone, D22 committed to Pitt today, she has been selected as a Stamps Scholar and member of Pitt Honors! She withdrew her CWRU application. Best of luck to all.


Congratulations and all the best to your daughter!

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Thank you @Winky1. Such a wonderful ending for your daughter’s story, rather a wonderful new beginning. Best of luck!

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Thank you for the well wishes. We’re very proud and excited beyond belief