CBHP Finalist Weekend Notification Date

Last year’s thread had some invitations that came late. Don’t give up hope! I think an e-mail is sent even if the student doesn’t make it.

My son was notified that he is a CBHP finalist. Email arrived Jan 29th, but we hadn’t checked Bama email until just now. Good luck to you all!

My son is in the reserve pool also.

My daughter was in the reserve pool in 2012, and was subsequently accepted into CBH. I know of 7 others who were accepted out of the reserve pool that year, and since I don’t know most people at UA or in CBH, I figure there were more that I don’t know about. My daughter sent an email to Dr. Sharpe and Mrs. Batson letting them know of her continued interest, but didn’t ask to interview during Bama Bound or anything like that. In fact, Dr. Sharpe found ME at one of the parent programs at Bama Bound and told me to have my daughter track down Mrs. Batson for a CBH interview. Neither my daughter nor I had ever met Dr. Sharpe (or Mrs. Batson) before, and since he was on his way out of town, my daughter never saw Dr. Sharpe at BB and didn’t meet him until after school started. I’m aware of one young man in my daughter’s class who went to finalist weekend but was not invited to join CBH; there may have been others (I don’t know how many were at the finalist weekend or how many offers were initially made) but I don’t know of them.

As for Emerging Scholars, my daughter applied for that as well, but sent a note withdrawing her application after she learned she had been admitted to CBH. She subsequently got a rejection letter from Emerging Scholars - go figure.

D is now in her 4th year of CBH, and it’s been a very good experience for her. However, I will say that it has not been the be all and end all of her UA experience. Every year I hear of kids saying that they’ll attend UA if they get into CBH and they won’t if they don’t. I think that’s a little shortsighted, and I’ll just say that CBH, while a fabulous program, is only one of many opportunities. My daughter would have loved UA with or without CBH.

A family friend was notified by e-mail on the 4th.

The website says to dress casually. Do people truly dress casually (jeans) or is it usually more dressed up?

Be polite, don’t use your phone at all during the weekend, hold the door for other people, etc. Firm, but not hurtful handshakes, look people in the eyes and say thank you! This has been the advice we received from numerous CBHP families.

Sadly, my son just turn down his CBHP invite. 8-| They were very gracious. As some of you may have read (http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-alabama/1789529-a-visit-to-the-university-of-alabama-cbh-and-honors-college-p1.html) we had a great trip to visit CBHP and I was silently pulling for CBHP + STEM to MBA, all for free. All that said, it was his decscion to make and we supported him.

Although he won’t be a part of the CBHP, I wish everyone well, it is a great program, with great students, run by great people.

Good luck to all,

Dress casually is really meant that. Last year, there were some in jeans, some in khakis for men. For women, there were a few dresses there too…It is, however, in contrast, to the Fellows program which requires business casual and business attire for their weekend.

@psywar Did your son decide to go elsewhere? If so, I wish him the very best of luck in his academic career!!
Roll Tide, anyway… :slight_smile:

Congrats @psywar, even though it didn’t go UA. Would it be tacky for us to ask for his CBH interview spot? Ha ha JK! :stuck_out_tongue:

My older son is a graduate of CBHP. He loved his experience. Met some wonderfully, talented young people while in the program. Enjoyed his research with an economics professor, and that research helped him land an assistantship last summer between his first and second years of law school at UVA. His CBHP class included a Truman Scholar (his roommate for three years) and a young lady who won the Hollings, Goldwater, National Science Foundation and Mitchell scholarships. She is now a PhD candidate in engineering at Stanford. Another former roommate and CBHP classmate is getting his PhD in chemistry at Stanford. My son won a Hollings scholarship.

So CBHP does produce some great stories and talents. That said, if you are on the waitlist, do not despair. The year my son went to Bama, there were seven or eight spots open in CBHP. Some students elected not to attend Bama for a variety of reasons – one got into Harvard, another got a big scholarship with a Big 10 school. Their decisions helped others get into the program, including one of my son’s classmates who is getting her PhD in biology at UNC.

As for Finalists weekend, again, do not spend your time checking your phone every two minutes. My son was one of the ambassadors who took the finalists on tours of the campus. I remember him calling home afterwards and saying that one kid spent his whole time texting. Never asked a question. Never wanted to be part of the group. My son pointed this out in the evaluation (yes, current CBHP kids will have a voice in your selection). The kid was still chosen, but did turn down the program and the school. Another kid made some not-so-nice remarks about intelligence and women. I am sure that got back to the powers-that-be.

I’m sure we’ll know on May 1st where he is going, lol. He is admitted to UT, TAMU, Princeton, and he is awaiting word on Rice, Harvard, Stanford.

@SouthFloridaMom9 That was the reason he decided now, rather than interview and then turn them down. He wanted someone madly in love with UA to get the slot. He really liked UA, especially CBHP, but I think he would rather stay in Texas.

Just last week he was named a Brown Scholar at Texas A&M (that plus, his NMF award is pretty much a free ride) so it made sense to him to turn down CBHP. I disagree with his thinking, I think the CBHP + STEM MBA is a fantastic opportunity.

But, in the end, it is his education and I am proud he is talking more responsibility in this area. Good luck to all, I can’t wait to hear how your CBHP weekend goes! -psy

@psywar your son seems well-rounded and gracious. He seems like the type who will do great no matter where he lands. It is a nice thought he wants someone else more committed to Alabama for his CBHP slot. That’s commendable and selfless :slight_smile:

^^totally agree - what a nice young man you have brought up @psywar!

@psywar I wish you and your son the very best, it sounds like he knows what he wants (education wise), therefore I am sure he will succeed. It was very gracious of him to allow his interview spot to go to another student giving them the chance for CBH. Please give us updates on yours son’s decision, as I and I am sure others here, will be cheering him on. :slight_smile:

Have any finalists been contacted by the CBHP after the invite was sent? When will they send out the arrangements? Also, do we have to arrange our own flights?

@johnnyisgod I believe you’re supposed to arrange your own flights. Once you have your flight itinerary, email it to Ms. Batson. They need the information to plan airport pickup. I haven’t received any new information since the finalist email though.

@johnnyisgod Yes, I have been in contact with Mrs. Batson. I sent her my flight itinerary and receipt.

I was too in contact with Mrs. Batson. Yes, arrange your own flight, and communicate the itinerary to her. CBHP will reimburse up to $500, per the finalist letter. We arranged the flight all the way from Phoenix with a round-trip cost under $400 on a major airline. Best to arrange flights early to avoid higher cost.

Yes, do let us know what he finally decides, @psywar. You’ve raised a very fine young man from the sound of it, and I’m guessing the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. :slight_smile: