
<p>Congrats to all the finalists.</p>

<p>S did not receive an invite. Bummer. I will be more philosophical about it later.</p>

<p>Catdaddy…we have the same issue.</p>

<p>Congrats to all the finalists. I’m still waiting for DS to check his account. In the meantime, here’s the link to the FAQ about the Finalist weekend:</p>

<p><a href=“http://honors.cbhp.ua.edu/uploads/CBH/FAQ%20for%20Recruits.pdf[/url]”>http://honors.cbhp.ua.edu/uploads/CBH/FAQ%20for%20Recruits.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>*However, he is already committed that weekend for his Morehead-Cain Finalist interviews at UNC. How understanding is Bama about these type conflicts and how should we handle?

<p>The CBH office will work with your child concerning these conflicts.</p>

<p>My S also has another finalist weekend scheduled already. He is very interested in the UFE program and the CBHP. I hope he can come in on an alternative day. He really likes Alabama (we lived there for 10 years). I hope mom2collegekids is correct.</p>

<p>^Thanks, Dad2ILD. I don’t blame your wife one bit for wanting to see what Bama’s all about. She is going to love it!! I’ve seen it for myself on two different occasions and was very impressed. If there’s nothing scheduled for parents (which I thought I had read once or twice prior to your confirmation), then I think I’ll just send my son on his own adventure. It’ll be great for him!:slight_smile: How exciting this is!</p>

<p>I’m sorry to those who didn’t make finalist. My son and I do know how that feels, as he did not make finalist for another very fine school’s major scholarship, even though he seemed like the perfect fit for it. It’s a little disappointing and sad when that happens.</p>

<p>To all those who made finalist, congrats and have fun checking it all out! It’s going to be a blast! :)</p>

<p>^momof3boyz, I’m sorry to hear that your second son isn’t in the running. That’s sad. I’ll bet it’s hard on the whole family. Son #2 probably feels sad about it too, for his little brother. But you have a great attitude about it, and I’m sure that’s rubbed off on your kids.</p>

<p>I do agree with you – not being accepted into any of these tough programs is not the end of anyone’s opportunities. There are tons of opportunities out there for all these kids. I look forward to hearing more about your S3’s college decision and opportunities as time goes on.</p>

<p>I did mention on another thread that if my son was not eligible for CBHP, he would probably take Bama off his list … I hope you understand, that was not in a “I’ll take my marbles and go home” sort of way, nor in a sour grapes way, but just in a realistic way – because, like the majority of kids on these threads, I’m assuming, he does have similar opportunities elsewhere, and since those opportunities are very important to him, schools that offer them will be at the top of his list in the end.</p>

<p>Anyway, I have sure appreciated your knowledge and insight along the way. I’m sorry that your son won’t be amongst the CBHP finalists this year. I look forward to hearing more from you, and about him, in the future! :)</p>

<p>Well, DS may share a room at the Capstone with one or two of your sons. He’s excited at the prospect of visiting and interviewing for the CBHP. As with many, he’s had a few setbacks over the past month. They come hard for those who have excelled throughout their life…</p>

<p>Sorry for those that are experiencing that with CBHP. It is difficult to face, but, they have to keep reaching…Best wishes to all of you as you flesh out college plans…</p>

<p>May I offer a hearty Congratulations to all of the fine parents who post here! Each and everyone of you are winners! To have such high achieving sons and daughters is a great accomplishment. And your kids are winners by having such caring parents. I know that all of them will have a great experience at Bama if they choose to attend. There are many fine opportunities besides CBH and UFE. Only a small number of students are in these programs.</p>

<p>So are they not emailing rejections? It would be nice to get something so I could know for sure that I didn’t get in.</p>


<p>I believe they are waiting to mail out rejections until they have received RSVPs from all those they invited. The deadline to respond is Feb. 11th.</p>

<p>Here’s the quote that makes me think they are waiting until they get all the RSVPs:</p>



<p>So, some of you may YET get notified.</p>

<p>Even after CBH picks all their finalists, there is still a chance that some of those finalist students may choose other schools. If I were a finalist and NOT chosen, I would send DR. Sharpe a note still expressing my interest and keep those avenues of communication open. Someone will fill those spots.</p>

<p>In the past years, there have been kids who’ve come on alternate days because they couldn’t come on CBH weekend. </p>

<p>Since CBH weekend is usually Sunday late afternoon and going into Monday, perhaps those who mostly only have something going on Saturday can still come. </p>

<p>I think there might be an advantage to come for the actual weekend…you meet everyone, etc. Coming at an alternate time is not going to give you anywhere near the same experience.</p>

<p>My son made CBHP and UFE finalist. We feel truely honored and blesses. That’s going to be one long weekend! Congratulations to all the finalists. </p>

<p>For those that didn’t make it. UA has an incredible Honors Program that you should strongly consider. Dr. Witt has been a fantastic leader at UA, and I don’t think anyone would be disappointed with making UA their choice, regardless of CBHP or UFE.</p>

<p>Good luck to all parents and their children. This is an exciting time for eveyone.</p>

<p>Have not had much luck trying for alternate times. Son has turned down weekends at two other schools for that weekend and has three (one is Bama) he is trying to decide on or come up with some sort of workable schedule. So far only one of the other schools (not Bama) has been agreeable with an alternate interview time/weekend.</p>

<p>*Have not had much luck trying for alternate times. Son has turned down weekends at two other schools for that weekend and has three (one is Bama) he is trying to decide on or come up with some sort of workable schedule. So far only one of the other schools (not Bama) has been agreeable with an alternate interview time/weekend. *</p>


<p>Are you saying that you’ve contacted Dr. Sharpe and Mrs. Batson about alternate days and you’ve gotten a response?</p>

<p>Again, in the past, some kids have come at other times…either before or after the big weekend. However, keep in mind that when you come during an alternate time, it will not nearly be the “big deal” that you would get if you came during the big weekend when activities, socials, and dinners are planned. Those things won’t be available when one student comes at his own time.</p>

<p>What exactly is CBHP? I read the description at the UA website, but it doesn’t say much except that you get to do research.</p>

<p>DS did not apply for either UFE or CBHP. Indeed, we didn’t even know about them until after the deadlines had passed. I’m sure he would not have made finalist, though, so I guess we just saved ourselves more disappointment, LOL. </p>

<p>We did find out today that DS made National Merit Finalist – so I guess that means that Bama full ride is a reality for us. Woohoo!!</p>

<p>LD … the way Mrs. Batson described CBHP to us when we visted is this. CBHP actually pre-dates the Honors College as it exists today at UA. IT dates back to sometime in the 60’s and has been a highly regarded honors program at the school for many years. It carries “computer” in its name because in the 60s and 70s, doing research with the assistance of a computer was a big deal. She said that today it is a bit of a misnomer, since now people tend to think that you have to be a computer science major, or interested in computers to join. This is not the case. It is, at it’s core, an undergraduate research program, affording students the ability to do focused research and giving the participants the tools, opportunity and guidance to do so.</p>

<p>Dad2ILD: Essentially that is correct, however CBH students do take two classes which teach computer programming languages. CBH is a also a minor.</p>

<p>This is from the honors page:</p>

<p>What is CBHP?
The Computer-Based Honors Program (CBHP) gives outstanding students the opportunity to work one-on-one with faculty project sponsors while applying technological resources to a research project of their choice.</p>

<p>CBHP students have represented every college at the Capstone. Majors range from chemical engineering and physics to English, dance, and apparel design.</p>

<p>During their freshman year, students complete an intensive series of courses on complex problem solving, the use of computers, project management and research fundamentals. These essential skills enable students to quickly learn and adapt to technologies required for faculty-directed research projects. Throughout their sophomore to senior years, CBHP students select a research project in which the student will work closely with a faculty member who will serve as a project director. Students will typically work on projects in areas related to their academic discipline; however, they may elect to work in an unrelated field to challenge themselves and broaden their exposure to academic research.</p>

<p>I made finalist… VERY excited!</p>

<p>Congrats to all the other finalists!</p>