CC Meet-Ups at PREVIEW WEEKEND: The Plan!

<p>We are arriving in Birmingham from California at 6:00 p.m. on Friday. If all goes well we will see everyone there Friday night. Thank you so much for arranging this!</p>

<p>I’m so jealous! I hope all of you have a wonderful weekend. Two years ago, I was there with my DD. We drove down Magnolia Dr. so many times, I’m surprised no one called the police ;)</p>

<p>Will be thinking of you on Friday and Saturday! Have a wonderful time! TXArchitect, please take pictures, I have to get a visual! My dd is getting ready to request her rec-writers to contact their chapter for a possible invite in March . . . hope to make it then! We will be spending our weekend with her Cheer Team, at the Varsity Trip to the Regional Cheer Competition! She wanted to be there for her team as captain and a leader. We both hope everyone enjoys themselves!!! Have Fun and save travels!

<p>ChristineF, will your D be going to NCA? I’ll be there with D2. I’m missing the weekend before NCA and all of the NCA prep us moms do with team gifts and treats for them after every practice since I’ll be with D1 thru Monday at UA. D2 is at Cheer Athletics here in Dallas. What gym does your daughter cheer?</p>

<p>From the PMs I have received, we are going to have quite the crowd!!! Maybe we can film our own Harlem Shake!</p>

<p>How many of you are planning to be at early registration just as it begins?</p>

<p>We will be there for early registration…curious how many other SoCal girls will be there…</p>

<p>My daughter is a high school cheerleader, not for a gym. That whole world looks so much fun, though! She is going to the Regional State Competitive Cheer Competition in Michigan. However, after this and her banquet, cheer is over, and she can now focus on Recs for Recruitment!!</p>

<p>We should be there for Early Registration. D is attending a session at the Arts & Sciences at 3:00 on Friday. Anyone else attending that session?</p>

<p>So looking forward to meeting everyone! Checking in at 5:30 Friday, as we’ll be in T-town about an hour before. Thanks so much for organizing the dinner / info sessions. Harlem Shake would be hysterical…but didn’t UAPD shut down the school gathering for one recently for lack of permit? :wink: RTR!</p>

<p>By the way, D has 8 pairs of shoes and probably at least that many outfits in her carry-on luggage. I know there’s been much talk about what they should / will wear. Any ideas what Moms should / will wear for dinners and for the Preview Sat?</p>

<p>Tomorrow! Tomorrow! I love ya, tomorrow! You’re only a day aaaaaaa way!</p>

<p>LOL! Us moms need our own facebook group to discuss outfits :)<br>
I’m not sure what to wear myself for Saturday??? Sunday dress? Casual? I’m so lost…</p>

<p>D has said the girls in the FB group have been busy discussing their outfits. Thank goodness we are driving. I’m sure D and I will have a trunk full of shoes/boots :)</p>

<p>My main goal is to not draw attention to myself. Neutral is better, but almost impossible for me!</p>

<p>HAHAHAA! I told D that my friend and I (both band moms) are getting matching warmups to wear on the band trip. She about died!</p>

<p>I can’t even think about clothes for me. My entire goal is just not to embarrass my D. I will probably be pretty casual. D, who is normally quite fashionable without a lot of effort or stress is flipping out a little about what to wear. Poor thing. </p>

<p>We plan to get to Tuscaloosa in time to get to registration at 5:30, but it depends on my work schedule.</p>

<p>Geez…I’m not involved with preview weekend this year but this thread makes me want to hop in the car to head to Ttown to meet everyone. AND to see all of your outfits :slight_smile:
Tip: Red, white, houndstooth</p>

<p>Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Wear what you are comfortable in. Just like the girls you will see all kinds of “mommy” dress. I wore a sun dress the year we went but it was 75!</p>

<p>I wore Gap khakis and Banana Republic cardigan 2011 :slight_smile: It was a chilly weekend.
ahpi-daughter called this morning to say that she thought she saw you. I asked if she said Hi. She said, I was in a car and she was in a car…and not the same car. ;)</p>

<p>Houndstooth scarf - check
Houndstooth gloves - check
Houndstooth umbrella - check</p>

<p>I’d take my houndstooth shoes but D would kill me!</p>

<p>I’ve got cords, jeans, yoga pants, leggings and 2 dresses packed as well as a weeks worth of tops. Nevermind the entire duffle bag of shoes and boots. DH, “why are you taking 3 pairs of brown boots?” Me, they are 3 different colors of brown :)<br>
D1 is getting packed and is probably packing all the outfits we bought real quick last night:
2 pairs bright colored jeans (jeggings), tops, tanks and jean jacket. </p>

<p>Bout to be T-Town Bound and outta Big D. Making it to Vicksburg tonight.<br>
Pray for us as D1 will be doing the driving. YIKES! Better check the traffic report as like D said, just to get out of Dallas we have to take 4 different highways. LOL!</p>

<p>Ok all you traveling CCers. Be sure to check your email and yourD’s crimson mail. They just sent out an informational update. Nothing vastly different but a little more info. Only pnm’s are going to the welcome at 12:30. Numbers are too large. Yikes! Parent program starts at 2:30. </p>

<p>Safe travels to you all. See you tomorrow.</p>

<p>1,200 PNMs registered</p>