CC to Cal poly slo -- Transfer student English Major

Hi everyone,
I’m looking for advice on my chances of getting to cal poly slo as an English major. I will be applying this year and I will be completed with my AA-T for English at my CC, I’m currently at a 2.9 right now and I’m wondering if there are some transfer English majors that can give me insight on how their experience was like. I understand that cal poly slo is a very competitive school, but also would like to know what my chances are. (Cal poly slo is one of my top picks as well as San Jose state)


This link may help gauge your chances. For 2017, an average 3.4 GPA for SLO but not major specific. Any GPA below 3.0 will be a tough admit.

For SJSU, the GPA threshold was 2.0

Last year, CP anticipated about 100 transfer applicants for 8 spots in English. I would agree that CP is going to be a long shot for you. You should also have a safer choice than SJSU just in case. You don’t want to be left out. Good luck!

@eyemgh I’m curious to know, how do you know this information about the spots?

@vrios95, they publish their projections in the institutional research department.