Chance a junior who just got 1st SAT scores back

<p>Miami is my number 1 choice and has been since I was about 8 years old. I would be applying EA.</p>

<p>GPA cumulative will be around a 3.2 , but with a big upward trend (school doesn't do weighted/unweighted GPAs):
2.78 freshman year (didn't try at school)
3.14 sophomore year (realized school matters at end)
3.66 Junior Year (Tried hard all year)</p>

<p>First SAT score was 1870, 610 M, 640 W, 620 CR. (Taking again, so should still rise)
Honors and AP's:
Honors American Literature (sophomore year)
Honors Business Management (Junior year)
Honors US History 2 (junior year)
Honors Modern Fiction (junior year)
AP Government and Politics (Junior year, awaiting exam score, should be a 4 or a 5.)</p>

<p>Senior Schedule:
AP psych
SUPA (syracuse courses) Forensics
SUPA Reading and Writing
Honors Calculus
Film Studies
Honors Model UN (Might switch this out for a study hall or TVP 3)

<p>Extra Curriculars:
Big Brother Program 11th grade
JV bowling team member 11th grade
Camp Counselor at a Summer camp for going on 3 years now.
Job in my mom's office as "assistant" for about a year (She is a realtor)
Deca Participant, Made it to State Level in SEM (biggest event)
Rec Basketball for first 2 years of HS</p>

<p>What are my chances at the U? I would be applying for some combination of a business/comm/film program (I want to go into "movie" business.)</p>

<p>PSAT was 186</p>

<p>If I were you I’d strongly consider getting harder senior year classes. Your SAT/GPA seem to be OK, but only 2 AP’s doesn’t bode too well. I see that you’re taking Honors Calculus, why not switch that to AP? And then maybe try to add 1 more AP. </p>

<p>With that stronger schedule you should be able to make it</p>

<p>Well the SUPA classes are just as hard as AP…they are Syracuse university classes.</p>

<p>Actually, as my kids took Syracuse classes including the forensics. AP are definitely harder. Don’t know if it will matter to admissions. College credit classes are great. I believe Miami kept the “A” for the class and average it into the GPA (where they did not do this for the AP’s.</p>

<p>Try the ACT. Both my kids found it easy compared with the ACT.</p>

<p>Good luck!!</p>

<p>Bring up your SAT score if possible, but remember Miami only looks at the reading and math. I wouldn’t freak out over your course difficulty. I’m going to be a freshman next year, and they accepted me with only one AP class senior year and gave me a scholarship. Would you consider applying Early Decision, because that really helps. I mean you did say UM has always been your top choice</p>

<p>I would do ED but i think my parents are looking for financial aid, which I don’t think you can get a whole lot of with ED…I will be applying EA however.</p>

<p>What is the general gpa & SAT cut off for merit scholarships?</p>

<p>On the sheet I got at a college fair, it said something along the lines of the loose cutoff was a 1350 or 31 ACT. I’m sure some with less get merit $ and even some over get none.</p>