Chance at National Achievement Semifinalist??

<p>Hi, I'm an AA male from Mississippi. My scores were delayed and I got my scores back today. I was not expecting much due to no prep and lack of school support. However, i scored a 180(CR:54M:67W:59). I was wondering whether or not this score would possibly qualify me for national achievement semifinalist status. What do you all think???? A close friend of mine scored 186 and she is a finalist.</p>

<p>I think you have a chance if she got a 186. It really depends on how well other students in Mississippi performed.</p>

<p>Thanks but I called yesterday about why is that my counselor told me that the national merit people wanted me to take the SAT in either march may or june and send my scores to them. I was thinking that i could have possibly qualified for antional achievement. However, i was a little skeptical about that because my friend didn’t have to take her sat to confirm her psat score until either september or december i think. It turns out that there was some type of “irregularity”. They assured me that it was nothing of my doing. I was a little upset because my psat scores would be considered at all. So does this mean that i kind of get a second chance fo something to qualify again. I’m confused. Can someone give me some insight??? PLEASE!!!</p>

<p>It just means there was a irregularity in grading the tests in the right time window.</p>

<p>Study you a&$ off for the sat and get a score above 2000 and you will get it.
Take the march so if your score isn’t good enough you can take the June too.</p>