Chance for UC computer science

UC GPA: 4.0 capped and 4.33 uncapped
800 math 2, 780 chem
Good ECs
Good LoR for berk
Rejected from uiuc, ut Austin,
Waitlisted from cal poly SLO

Should have a good shot everywhere but UCLA and Cal, both very competitive

Thank you, see any safeties?


do you want to stay in cali, if not then purdue or texas a&m could be safeties

didn’t you already apply though

@kjake2000 I am asking about safeties in UCs

Since you were asked for a Letter of recommendation from Berkeley, that means they consider you on the fence. For all the UCs, computer science can rarely be considered a sure bet as it’s such an impacted major. If you applied to all of them, however, UC Riverside, Merced, and UCSC I think can be considered safeties, but the rest are no guarantees.


@Gumbymom what is your opinion considering you chance many UC posts

I think you have a very good chance at all UC’s except for UCSD/UCLA and UCB. The top UC’s will be a tough admit so 50/50. I think you can get into UCSD but no guarantee on CS. Did you select an alternate major for UCSD ? If not, then you will probably accepted as Undeclared and switching into CS is super competitive.

@Gumbymom my alternate major for UCSD was computer engineering

Both are capped majors at UCSD so it will be a tough admit for UCSD along with UCLA/UCB. Good luck and prove me wrong.

@Gumbymom are you saying I will probably not get into UCSD for either CS or computer engineering?

Since there both majors are capped it is possible to get accepted into UCSD but not into either major. You look competitive, but both majors are capped for a reason, far more qualified applicants than spots. Good Luck.

@Gumbymom thank you, how are my chances at Davis/SB looking

You look solid for UC Davis and UC Santa Barbara.

I still think you stand a decent chance at UCSD. I know a few of my son’s friends that were waitlisted and/or rejected at SLO for CS but go into their alternate major at UCSD.

@Gumbymom Appreciate your help

Bump, my apologies but I just need more Insight as UCS are coming up