Chance me for UCs please :)

Hi, I’m a newbie here! I’m just going to try this out, let me know if you need more info!

I’m a girl from CA who’s passionate about computer science.

UC GPA capped: 3.97 uncapped: 4.37
Took super hard classes (like 9-10 AP’s in sophomore and junior yrs!)
SAT: 2330 (780 CR, 800 M, 750 W)
AP Scholar and also a NMF

Intended major: computer science (i know, doesn’t help)

activities: interned at engineering lab, hip-hop dancer for 5+ years, DECA club, quizbowl, etc.

how are my chances at ucsd, ucla, uc berkeley, uci, and ucd? my dream school is cal, and I got the Lor request! Thanks!

Sorry to burst your bubble, but the lor request means almost nothing. That said, you look like a pretty strong applicant. Your sats are really good, your capped gpa is a little low, however. Your ecs look decent, although limited leadership from what I can see. You’ve got the hook of girl in stem, and I’m assuming you’re applying to the schools of arts and sciences for comp sci, and not to engineering? If you are applying to engineering, your chances drop, but not abysmally. I’d guess you’ll get in to cal, but I’m not 100%. You’ll likely get in to all the other ucs you applied to, even la. Best of luck.
Chance me back?

@Plumbus No problem, I’m glad to hear your thoughts :slight_smile: Do you think the lor requests are simply random then? And yes, I’m applying to the l&s cs major at cal, though it’s straight engineering at all the others :frowning:

Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 3.80-4.19:

UCB: 12%
UCLA: 14%
UCSD: 39%
UCSB: 49%
UCD: 52%
UCI: 57%
UCSC: 83%
UCR: 90%
UCM: 92%

Your capped/weighted UC GPA is low for CS. The majority of UC’s want that 4.0+ GPA, even though your Fully weighted is on target (UCLA/UCB are the only schools on record that consider this). Your test scores are very competitive but I have seen applicants with great test scores and below 4.0 UC GPA’s get waitlisted or denied for Engineering/CS these past few years.

Good EC’s and hopefully your LOR’s for UCB will help.
Girl in STEM hook not really that helpful for the UC’s.

UCI: Match
UCD: High Match
UCSD: High Match-Low Reach

I hope you have a few more solid Match and a safety or two on your list.

Good Luck.

@Gumbymom agreed

ELC is something that is looked at during your application review, but it is not a guarantee you will get into any specific UC with it or without it. ELC will give you a guarantee that if you are not accepted into your ‘choice’ UC, you have UC Merced as a backup if space is available. I have one son that was not ELC at his HS, but ELC on the statewide level and got admission into several UC’s.

@Plumbus actually, based on a video that Berkeley uploaded regarding letter of recommendation requests and admissions (, after a first read, applications are separated into three piles: yes, maybe, and no. Letter of rec requests are sent to candidates placed in the maybe pile. The applications are then reviewed again with the letters of recommendation to make a final decision.

My guess is that you were placed in the maybe pile due to a “low” GPA relative to your test scores. That seems to be the pattern for a lot of the maybes since Berkeley weighs GPA more than standardized test scores.