Chance me- Chancellor’s scholarship

Hey everyone! I’m a rising senior from Iowa. I visited TCU in the spring and I really loved it. It’s currently one of my top choices, but without the chancellor’s scholarship i’m not sure I would be able to afford TCU. Additionally, I emailed my admissions counselor asking some questions about the scholarship and she requested a video discussion with me, so I hope that’s a good sign. Please be honest about my chances, and I would really appreciate any advice to improve my profile before I apply.

Gender: Female
Race: Caucasian
GPA weighted: 4.4 Unweighted: 3.94 (I have gotten 2 B+ but from the same teacher in different classes, I am having this teacher write me a recommendation because I worked super hard in her classes but I am worried that this gpa will make the selection committee overlook me from the start)
Class rank: 1/690 (my school doesn’t officially report rank, which hurts me a bit but I am hoping to have my counselor include my rank unofficially in my recommendation)
ACT composite: 34, 35 superscore (I had Influenza A when I received this score, and I am retaking it in July with hopes to get to a 35 or 36)
I am taking the SAT subject tests for Math 2, Literature, and US History in August

I’ve taken 8 AP classes, including 5 my junior year. I’m still waiting on those scores, but the scores for the other tests are in parenthesis. Calculus AB (5), Statistics (5), European History (4), Psychology, Calculus BC, US History, Physics 1, English Language and Composition. I’m taking Lit, Gov, and Spanish my senior year and self studying either macro or microeconomics.

4 years of varsity tennis with 3 years at the #1 singles spot, 2 years at #1 doubles, and 3 years (hopefully 4) as a singles state tournament qualifier. Various coaches awards. I have been the team captain for 2 years

3 years of marching band, 1 year as section captain

4 years of mock trial, 3 years as head attorney, 1 year as team captain, 1 year as team state qualifier, and I have outstanding attorney and witness awards

4 years of concert band, 1 year as 1st chair in district honor band, 2 years as an All-State orchestra member (3rd and 4th chair in the state) and hoping to audition again. I’ve received 1st place awards at various solo contests and many 1+ ratings

3 years of pep band

1 year as an Iowa Youth Congress representative

President of NHS

Mathnasium instructor for 1 year

Waitress at a local pizza place for 4 years, and I received a promotion to a closer which includes the responsibility of closing the store and managing the finances

Business internship with a local startup company for 1 summer

Model UN for 1 year

Tennis instructor for elementary children for 1 summer

Around 200+ Volunteer hours including packaging food for the needy, performing at the retirement home, running tennis tournaments for the USTA (United States Tennis Association), and helping special needs children at my church. I’m also volunteering for my local congressman’s political campaign this summer.

My essays and recommendations should be pretty solid. Thoughts?

Additionally, does TCU track demonstrated interest?

Wow, that is a truly outstanding application that you will be able to put together! I would think that you would have to be under strong consideration for the Chancellor’s scholarship but you should look back at threads from years past where people who got it posted their stats.

Also, I don’t know about “tracking” demonstrated interest, but showing as much as you can will help and cannot hurt. I would think letting them know on no uncertain terms that TCU is your #1 but you can only make it work financially if you get the CS would help your chances as well. But only tell them that if it is true and you are ready to commit if you get it. Good luck!

Hey, I’m a Chancellor’s scholar so if you have any questions, let me know. I think you’re a pretty impressive applicant, you wouldn’t have been invited to compete. Your stats are definitely more impressive than mine. Just make sure your interview and speech is good and you should be golden.