Chance me? Class of '21

Hi! I am planning on applying to the University very soon for admission in fall of 2017. I am not sure whether I should wait to send in my scores until I retake the ACT this weekend, but it could be awhile until I get those scores back.

I am from Maryland and I will be applying as a dance major with a second major in public relations.
My ACT is currently a 26 and my rSAT is a 1230, 600 math and 630 reading.
My GPA is a 4.0 unweighted. I have taken numerous honors classes, one AP so far, and this year I am taking 4 dual enrollment (biology, English, stats,and sociology) and one AP class.

So my question is, based on my stats, should I wait to send in test scores until after I have taken my ACT again (I am only expecting my score to increase by 1-2 points), or will it not make a big difference? Thank you!

I think you will get in.

Totally agree with @almostdonewithhs, update us with your results!

When you register for your standardized test again, take advantage of using the service which sends your scores for FREE automatically to UA (and up to 2 or 3 other schools) - you have to input those codes on your test registration (and you can amend these codes up till a certain deadline before the test - varies by date/test).

Here is the code info: Pt #3: “Have your ACT or SAT score(s) sent to us. Our ACT code is 0052 and our SAT code is 1830.”

You’ll get in…BUT…retest so you increase your chances for merit…and use the free score reports to send to Bama.

@mom2collegekids Thank you! So, should I hold off on sending my application & scores now, or should I send everything and then resend the test scores?

OP, the magic number for you to aim for (realistically) is a 29. That will save you/your parents about $60K. My son got a 31 his first time through fairly cold (just the normal HS prep). A friend recommended a local private tutor which we took advantage of. Total cost was under $500 and in the end, it will pay for itself 100x. My son;s second score was a 34.

I hate to say its all about the score - but it is. The good news is, a three point add with some intensive prep and strategy is totally doable. My son stated that the best thing for him was using the strategy from the tutor and taking practice tests over and over. All in all, he took about 12-15 practice exams.

Good luck!

UA will accept Dec test score. Agree with @morida about using a private tutor to increase ACT score. DD got the Presidential level scholarship on the Dec test. Saved a lot of $$. She worked at ACT testing with practice exams, went over practice sections with tutor. Test smart.

here are your goals and rewards if you get your scores up. Worth the work…
Capstone Scholar

A student with a 27 ACT, 1210–1240 old SAT score or 1280-1300 new SAT score and a minimum 3.5 cumulative GPA will be selected as a Capstone Scholar and will receive $14,000 over four years ($3,500 per year).

Collegiate Scholar

With a 28 ACT, 1250–1280 old SAT score or 1310-1340 new SAT score and a minimum GPA of 3.5 a student will be named a Collegiate Scholar and will receive $16,000 over four years ($4,000 per year).

Foundation in Excellence Scholar

A student with a 29 ACT, 1290-1320 old SAT score or 1350-1380 new SAT score and at least a 3.5 GPA will be named a Foundation in Excellence Scholar and will receive $52,000 over four years ($13,000 per year).

UA Scholar

If a student has a 30-31 ACT, 1330-1390 old SAT score or 1390-1440 new SAT score and at least a 3.5 GPA, he or she will be named a UA Scholar and will receive the value of two-thirds tuition, or $71,904 over four years ($17,976 per year).

Presidential Scholar

A student with a 32-36 ACT, 1400-1600 old SAT score or 1450-1600 new SAT score and at least a 3.5 GPA will be selected as a Presidential Scholar and will receive the value of tuition, or $107,800 over four years ($26,950 per year). Students graduating with remaining tuition scholarship semester(s) may utilize these monies toward graduate school and/or law school study at UA.

Post #8 is out of state scores. In state is a little different.

Engineering/CS scholarship is ACT 27 - 29, $1500/year. ACT 30+ $2500/year - but check current web site for exact/this year. CS is in the college of engineering.

Okay… so my question now is can I submit my application now with my current scores and send new scores again? If I am accepted based upon my current score, can I send in my new scores after my acceptance and will they apply for scholarship purposes? @SOSConcern @BigPapiofthree @morida @mom2collegekids @aeromom

Yes, you can apply now with current scores and if you submit later better scores (I believe, through the December test dates) they will be considered for scholarships. It will not hurt you in any way to submit the application now.

Thank you! @jrcsmom

Agree with post 11. UA will respond with letter after higher scores for higher award.

Thanks! Just found out it bumped to the 29!! I didn’t even use a tutor. So happy right now!
