Chance Me For a Chocolate Chip Cookie!

<p>@kubiler72: Thanks!</p>

<p>BUMP! : )</p>

<p>Outstanding grades accompanied by rigorous courses. I don’t think you need me to tell you that you’re definitely in on most your prospective colleges. I’d probably at least apply to some higher end colleges.</p>

<p>Also thanks for commenting on my topic (you should read my response hah).</p>

<p>you are definitely in cornell. thats where you will be going next year- ED DUH!</p>

<p>I think you are fantastic. Your sat1 and sat2 scores are very strong along with a good gpa with a tough a tough course load. Your ec’s also show that you are very involved. I believe that you are very likely to everywhere except columbia.</p>

<p>Your achievement are enough to get you in most of these schools. Cornell ED and Northwestern are high matches; you have a good chance. Columbia is becoming more of a crapshoot since its acceptance rate is really low recently, and will probably decrease even more now that it’s ranked 4th on US News. Berkeley and UCLA are also crapshoots because you’re out of state.</p>

<p>@ryanxing, strizessed, andreag, qweasd: Thanks very much!</p>

<p>BUMP! : )</p>

<p>Cornell CALS ED - You’re In
Columbia SEAS - You’re In
Northwestern - Maybe low match
Carnegie Mellon - Definitely In
UI Urbana-Champaign - Definitely In
University of Michigan Ann Arbor EA - Definitely In
New York University - In without a doubt
UC Berkeley - Match possibly?
UCLA - Match</p>

<p>Your stats look good but for the UC’s I really cannot determine! Everything else you have an excellent shot of getting in! Good Luck!</p>

<p>Please Chance me Back at!:</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>You have a really good chance to get into all the schools especially if you arenapplyibg early decision to Cornell! Thanks for the advice on my post! Good luck!</p>

<p>you need to work really hard on your essays for the ucs! i know uc berkeley is really hard on theirs. ucla (my friend got accepted last year) is pretty easy to go into if you have basically straight as and at least a 2150, but ecs are really helpful! i think you have a good chance (especially with your science research) of getting into most colleges, except i think cornell and columbia are mid-high reaches. how did you already hear about siemens? i applied to it too, but i didn’t hear anything! and no, do not take your sats and sat subject tests; they are good enough. good luck! :slight_smile: and please chance me back?</p>

<p>@luckycharms07: I just mentioned participation in Siemens, just submitted my project a few days ago : ) Maybe this was cause for some confusion? Sorry about that! haha</p>

<p>Thanks spt.leonidas, mvarkey, and luckycharms07!</p>

<p>BUMP! : )</p>

<p>I’d say your a match for almost all the schools. You have had a rigorous course load, good standardized test scores, and really good ecs! Just write really good essays and I’d say you’re in to most, if not all of your colleges. Best of luck to you!</p>

<p>@neurosurgery123: Thanks!</p>

<p>Just to clarify! I did not win any awards in Siemens or Intel. I just noted my participation in these competitions. Just to clear any confusion! haha</p>

<p>BUMP! : )</p>

<p>Very nice application, academics are impressive and the extra-curriculars are well off as well. I’d say you have a strong shot at all of your colleges, and I would assume that you would almost guranteed be accepted into Cornell, especially because of the Early Decision choice as well :)</p>

<p>Cornell CALS ED - 99%
Columbia SEAS - 90% (Ivy leagues are hard to predict)
Northwestern - 99%
Carnegie Mellon - 95%
UI Urbana-Champaign - 100%
University of Michigan Ann Arbor EA - 100%
New York University - 100%
UC Berkeley - 100%
UCLA - 100%</p>

<p>Also if you have a passion for something, that might help as well.</p>

<p>@etotheitimespi: Thanks so much for your generous chances! Definitely! I am very passionate about my choice of major, and I will definitely be writing about it in my essays. </p>

<p>Wow guys, I am really surprised at how many people responded to my chance thread! I can not thank you enough. Additional input for a nervous senior is greatly appreciated! haha</p>

<p>BUMP : )</p>

<p>Cornell CALS ED - in
Columbia SEAS - shud be fine
Northwestern - in
Carnegie Mellon - in
UI Urbana-Champaign - in
University of Michigan Ann Arbor EA -dont even both applying-- ull get in somehwere better
New York University - in
UC Berkeley - reach
UCLA - reach</p>

<p>Cornell CALS ED- in
Columbia SEAS-probably in
Northwestern- in
Carnegie Mellon-in
UI Urbana-Champaign- so in
University of Michigan Ann Arbor EA- why are you even considering this? well, unless money is a problem and ur instate, don’t bother!
New York University- sooooooo in
UC Berkeley- sooooooooo in
UCLA- soooooo in</p>

<p>I already posted something, but I was wondering how do you add the blue underlined link in a post? i’m trying to figure it out… thanks if someone helps me out, and sorry ballpointpen for intruding!</p>

<p>Hi luckycharms07!</p>

<p>If you want to add a link to a thread in a post, just copy and paste the URL into the quick reply/reply box, and collegeconfidential will automatically convert the link to display the title of your thread.</p>

<p>Feel free to PM me if you have any additional questions!</p>

<p>BUMP : )</p>

<p>not to be greedy, but bumping this up just in case anyone has any additional input!</p>

<p>Thanks in advance : )</p>

<p>I’m not good at chancing nor good at giving out percents. But here I go</p>

<p>Cornell CALS ED - Probably In
Columbia SEAS - Probably In (Ivys… Ugh)
Northwestern - In
Carnegie Mellon - In
UI Urbana-Champaign - In
University of Michigan Ann Arbor EA - In
New York University - 150%
UC Berkeley - In
UCLA - In</p>

<p>You’re pretty much set for most of the schools listed. I can’t tell for sure for Cornell and Columbia due to it being Ivy. ECs vary a lot and I like it, though I think it can show a little more leadership.</p>

<p>Do I get a cookie now? (I only live across the river =])</p>