Chance me for Singer/Stamps Invite!

<p>Hi! I know I've done chance threads on this forum in the past, but I'll be starting on my application this summer and applying in the fall Early Action, so this will (most likely) be my final statistics. So could anyone chance me for a Singer/Stamps Invite and if I'll get the scholarship based on my stats? Thanks!</p>

<p>High School Junior (will be Senior next fall) at a fairly competitive Maryland High School</p>

<p>Un-Weighted GPA: 4.0</p>

<p>Weighted GPA: 5.463 (Might change a little, not entirely sure)</p>

<p>Class Rank: 13/345 (Again, might change, not sure)</p>

<p>AP Courses (Sophomore and Junior Years): English 11, Calculus AB, US History, Psychology, World History, Chemistry</p>

<p>Senior Year Schedule: Economics, Physics B, Statistics, Calculus BC, English 12, Human Geography (All AP), Teacher Aid for AP Chemistry teacher</p>

<p>Honor Societies: National Honor Society, Science National Honor Society</p>

<p>SAT (As of right now): 800 Writing (I know they don't care, but it looks nice anyway), 740 CR, 720 Math</p>

<p>Predicted SAT when Applying (I just took them again yesterday): 800 W, 750-770 CR, 790-800 Math</p>

<p>Extracurriculurs: Model UN (2 years), Model Congress (1 Year), Boy Scouts (hopefully Eagle Scout, 8 years), College-level Courses in Oceanography, Bay Ecology, and Crystals & Polymers through Johns Hopkins University Center for Talented Youth</p>

<p>Volunteer Experience: National Aquarium in Baltimore Exhibit Guide, Summer of 2009 (around 100 hours of volunteer)</p>

<p>Work Experience: Barista at a local Coffeehouse (1 yr, Part time), Membership Sales Rep at the National Aquarium (3 years, part time seasonal), Umpire for local rec council (2 Years, Part time seasonal)</p>

<p>I think that's it, if anyone has anymore questions let me know! Thanks!!</p>

<p>i think your chances of getting an invite are very good, as you have high test scores and difficult courses
was the SAT you listed superscored?
as far as actually getting the scholarship, i don’t think stats matter too much
everyone at the weekend has high stats, and then i think the interview sort of sways who gets what
i’ll be a stamps scholar in the fall, so feel free to ask me any questions! :)</p>

<p>Wow, you got the Stamps Scholarship??? When I went to visit and asked them about it, they said only like a dozen people get it, haha</p>

<p>yeah, haha super excited for UM! :slight_smile:
about 120 people went to stamps weekend (i believe), i don’t know how many they actually awarded though haha
most ppl at stamps weekend got a loottt of money though, either stamps, singer, or 24,000 (university) + a coral grant (i think like an additional 4,000 a year)
and foote fellow status comes from the interview weekend!!
how was your visit to miami!?</p>

<p>It was absolutely amazing, haha. You know that feeling when everything just seems to fit? Yeah, that was what it was like, haha. At one point my mom asked me, “You’re seeing yourself here, aren’t you?” and I didn’t even have to say anything, haha. I got to talk with one of the students in the marine science program (that’s what I want to do), and she had nothing bad to say about it and she was really nice, and I visited the Rosenstiel school which was really cool. It was awesome!</p>

<p>that’s awesome you love it there so much!!! i agree, everything is perfect at miami!!!
definitely the right place to be for marine bio!!! :slight_smile: (just realized ur username haha) hope to meet you on campus at a scholarship weekend next year!!</p>

<p>Haha, yep! God, I can’t wait :)</p>

<p>Oh, and what was the interview process like? How did you feel you did at the end of it? What kinds of things did they ask you? Heck, just tell me everything you can about the Singer/Stamps Weekend, haha</p>

<p>ok, i’ll start at the beginning haha
you arrive friday afternoon and get ready for a dinner
in the lobby before dinner, you get a super cute free long sleeve t-shirt haha
the dinner has all the kids interviewing for stamps and their parents
they serve like salad and chicken lol (and there is dessert on the tables haha)
some UM representatives welcome you and then there is a student panel (they have like 5 students talk about their experiences, and you can ask them questions)
they show a short clip about kids who get into the U
Mr. Stamps then speaks and talks about his foundation and vision for the program
he explains how there are no requirements, but he has a request that you stay in touch
(pretty cool that he cares about what you’re up to—hahh i’ve even skyped him!!)
then you are done for the night and take free shuttles back to the hotel
i suggest you check out coconut grove or something during this time if you haven’t already, makes it more fun :slight_smile:
the next day you wake up, eat at the hotel, and take the shuttles to campus
there’s a welcome event and they go over the schedule
you attend mock classes (they have a few different options)
i went to one on aging
i think there’s like a tour after that or something
maybe some specific information sessions (study abroad, advising, etc.)
then you meet up with a current student (a foote fellow) who is assigned to eat lunch with you haha
you go to the food court for lunch where they have a big buffet
the foote fellow basically answers your questions and talks about UM
you are then assigned interview groups for the afternoon
when it’s your interview group’s time, an admissions officer leads a group of about 20 students to the admissions office
you sit in the lobby till it’s your time and talk to other students
a student interviewer will come to the lobby and call your name
you then follow them to an interview location, where a professor is waiting
the interview is not intense at all—veryyy casual
basically it’s a conversation about miami
you aren’t asked much about yourself during the interview and don’t really talk about what you do
the only things i recall being asked about were english class and a science fair project
another person i asked was asked about her favorite type of music
you have a lot of time to ask them questions then
the whole interview lasts about 30 minutes
there are no tricky questions or unexpected things
just be yourself and you’ll be fine!
i think the interview is just for them to put a character to your application (which by the way, is in front of them during the interview)
usually the professor and student share an interest with you (academic or major, most likely)
then there’s a final event where each dean speaks and shows a video about programs
the provost and president donna shalala speak (they talk about the university, their progress, their vision)
you can ask questions, and they make you feel super special haha
that’s basically what i remember, i’m probably forgetting some events or have things out of order lol
but yeah, think that’s everything :)</p>

<p>Wow, that’s awesome! I got a kick from the “super cute long sleeve t-shirt”, haha. I’m a guy, so that doesn’t matter much :stuck_out_tongue: But it sounds like it’s really good! Do you know how they determine who gets what scholarship, if the interviews aren’t really that in depth?</p>

<p>lol, a guy from my school liked the shirt too! (so you should be set hahah)
i honestly have no clue exactly how they determine lol
probably just based on your attitude towards the school, questions you ask, and interest in the program (but that’s just a guess)
they then nominate finalists for stamps, and finalists have a skype interview with mr. stamps himself
he asks more about what matters to you, your activities, interests, and what you hope to do in college</p>

<p>Ok, so my Math SAT is a little lower than I expected, leaving me with a Composite M+CR of 1510. Is this good enough to get the Singer/Stamps invite with my other stats??</p>

<p>I was invited to the Singer Weekend and received the University and Gables Scholarships + membership into Foote Fellows, so maybe this will help you! I think invites are based on your application and then the scholarship itself is based more on the interview. My interview was kind of weird (the interviewer asked strange questions and did not have my file out even), so I wonder if that’s why I didn’t get it. Regardless, these were the rest of my stats!</p>

<p>GPA: 5.0 (4.0 unweighted)
SAT: 2350 (800 writing, 800 reading, 750 math)
ACT: 34
AP Courses: Euro (sophomore), BC Calc, Physics B, Lang, US History (Junior), French, Gov, Macro, Statistics, Lit, Psych (Senior)
I also took French for five years and Chinese for 3, so I think that may have helped me
Extracirriculars: 4 years of varsity basketball, 4 years of Model UN including two as president of the club, 4 years as a teen court attorney</p>

<p>I don’t know what out of all this helped me get invited, but I thought it might help! I actually received the email invite a couple of days before I even got my acceptance letter to the University since I did regular decision. I couldn’t be happier with my decision to be a Cane though, even though I didn’t quite get the Singer!</p>