Merit Aid/Singer/Stamps Chances

<p>I don't know much about how Miami is about merit aid...but I was just wondering what sort of ballpark I'm in regarding that, as well as this whole Singer/Stamps thing I keep reading about!</p>

<p>4.0 unweighted GPA (School does not weight, so I will be called a "valedictorian" but really there are going to be 5ish of us, so I don't really know whether that means anything haha)</p>

<p>All Honors/AP courses (working towards Honors with Distinction diploma, which is the highest offered)</p>

<p>4 on APUSH test (not that it matters since I want to major in Audio Engineering :P)</p>

<p>Will take AP tests for BC Calc, English, and Biology this spring. Will also submit a portfolio for AP 2D Art.</p>

<p>2140 SAT (760 CR, 710 M, 670 WR)</p>

4 yrs tennis, 2 yrs varsity, voted Most Improved (2010), Team Captain (2011)
National Honor Society
Remedial Math tutoring at a local middle school
Volunteer guitarist at a local church
Jazz Band (guitar, only 2 years though)
Advanced Concert Band (clarinet, also only 2 years)
German Quiz Bowl
FBLA/DECA (4th place in District spring 2011)</p>

<p>My family's fairly well-off, so need-based aid is basically out of the question.
And I'm Indian, though I'd imagine that's not the type of minority colleges are looking for...we're too nerdy for our own good! :D</p>

<p>How large is the class that you will be one of the 5-co-valedictorian’s in? Also, what kind of scores did you have on AP classes taken in Soph & Junior years? Your SAT scores and class rank place you into a league with others who received 20K and 24K scholarships last year. </p>

<p>The Singer and Stamps invitations only went to about 300 students of the 3000+(?) who were accepted last year, so your application has to float to the top in order to even be invited to one of those weekends. </p>

<p>Applying EA and demonstrating interest in the university and the school where you may major are positive factors for scholarship awards (IMO).</p>

<p>UM is such a melting pot of ethnicity, I actually don’t believe your race, creed or color have much to do with admission decisions at UM. Again, just my humble opinion. :)</p>

<p>Best of luck to you!

<p>Graduating class is ~400. And I’m jumping the gun a bit…have to make it through this semester with all As before I can call myself a valedictorian!</p>

<p>I am applying early action but probably will not be able to make it down for a visit due to the distance between Indiana and Miami! I am very interested in Miami though; it’s my second choice behind Michigan, and Michigan is awful about financial aid for OOS applicants so we’ll see how that goes.</p>

<p>I only took 1 AP class Junior year and that was APUSH (plain and simple I go to a rural school in Indiana that offers very few AP courses). Did not take any sophomore year. However, I have been on the Honors track for everything (math/english/sciences).</p>

<p>Thank you for your reply! I would welcome further opinions. :)</p>