Chance me for UC Berkeley, UCLA, UCSD, UCSB, UC Davis

Hii I’m a high school junior with a SAT score at around (below or above) 1450.

I’m currently taking AP Bio, AP Cal AB, French 4 H and I took Pre-Calc Honors in 10th grade.

I have yet to take the SAT Math 2 and SAT Bio subject tests

I volunteer at the hospital and have around 200 hours. I also am VP of a health club at school and treasurer for 2 years of a club related to surgery.

I took a psych class at community college

GPA: 4.15 (weighted)
3.9 (UW)

I want to know if I can get into the Bio/ Bioengineering majors at UCB, UCLA, UCSD, UCSB, UCD.

You still have a year to go for your GPA, but your test scores and your current GPA look on track. Continue doing well in school, keep up your EC’s, consider retaking the SAT if that was your first time and enjoy HS.

At the end of your Junior year, calculate your UC GPA and repost with an update:
All UC’s will consider your Capped Weighted UC GPA but UCLA/UCB will also consider your Fully weighted UC GPA. Make sure you get some letters of recommendation for UCB.

Also check the UC Freshman profiles for all the campuses of interest. Remember the stats are not major specific so for competitive majors such as Biology/Bioengineering, you want to be at least at or above the averages.

Best of luck and make sure you have one safety school on your list that you are willing to attend…

Yes: UCD, Ucsb,
Idk: ucsd, ucla, UCB

Are you instate for any of these schools?

yea @“aunt bea”

Your stats look good. Stay on track
You need to be aware that your major is impacted so the competition will be tough.
Another pre-med student?

The primary gate at UCs is GPA so, keep yours up this year and you should find your way into a good program.