Chance Me for UCs!

Hi All, I am applying to UCs (Berkeley, LA, Irvine, Davis, SB, SD) and was wondering what you all think my chances are! Any feedback and criticism is ok but no harsh or rude comments please :slight_smile:

PS- I am an Asian from a Public school in CA.


SAT I-1420/1600 (760 M, 660 R/W)
SAT II’s- Math 2 (800)
UC GPA: 4.14
UW 10-12 GPA: 3.8
AP’s taken: Chinese (5), Calc BC (3) ← I know, a bit low.
Senior Courses: Government, Economics, AP English Literature & Composition, AP Statistics
Community College Courses - Java, C++, Psychology, Principles of Macroeconomics, Sociology, and probably some other science/social sciences (should be getting around 20 college units by next summer)

Major Awards (USAMO, intel, etc…): No major ones, but I have:
-Top Soloist at Dance Nationals
-Miss Dance 2nd-Runner Up at Nationals
-Placed in top 5 two times at FBLA Nationals, along with some state awards
-Passed the highest level on the National Guild Piano Exam (scored 40/43)
-Selected as a court member/representative for a global pageant (youngest court member)

-Dance (9-12): Been dancing for 12 years, Leader of my troupe, Teach classes
-TEDx (12): Founder/Co-VP
-HS Student Entrepreneurs (12): CA representative of a nation-wide high school student run entrepreneurship competition
-FBLA (9-12): Been a competitive member since 9th grade, achieved state recognition
-Gymnast (9): I’ve been a competitive gymnast for 9 years, after I quit I’ve been coaching

Job Experience: Gymnastics coach (10-12): worked in summers/during school

-CSF (9-12)
-Pageantry (12)- I go to events to represent the Asian community and speak/advocate for social causes
-Reading tutor for URM at local elementary schools (10-12)
-Voluntary performer (9-12): Led a group of people from my dance troupe to perform for companies/senior/disability centers/service events throughout the year

Summer Activities: Attended economics summer camp at Cornell (11), Took math over summer (10), Coached
Essays: I think they’re okay. Touched upon challenges, ECs, and my passions/goals for the future. Made it really personal.

I think you’re pretty much in for everywhere but LA and Berkeley; you might get waitlisted or denied there.

I agree with above. LA and Cal will probably be the hardest on your list, but you still have a good chance at both. Do you know what your uncapped UC GPA is? And your intended major?

@wormholes - I believe my uncapped UC GPA is 4.32 (if I calculated correctly). Do they really look at uncapped? And my intended major is Undeclared Social Sciences and Econ for some of the UCs.

Yes, Berkeley and LA will look at uncapped. The other UC’s will not explicitly look at uncapped, but they will definitely look at your rigor.

UCB and UCLA consider uncapped

@wormholes @dota2fan - Ah okay thank you! Thank you for your responses :slight_smile:

Yep, good luck! Also, if you got ELC, it will show the admissions that you did well in the context of your school/class, which is important.

I think you have a fair chance at all schools listed. Good Luck!

@Gumbymom I’ve seen you give good advice and critique so can you chance me please? for UCB and UCLA in particular. Thanks!

I think your ECs and volunteer activities look good and may overcome any perceived deficiency. Son is in the same boat, but a tad lower stats than yours, but has good ECs and volunteer community work. Gumbymom’s postings are good. Good luck!

You look like a competitive applicant and all the posters have stated my impressions that UCLA and UCB are tough admits for all applicants. I believe it will come down to your essays and EC’s that will set you apart and this is all subjective so difficult to quantitate. Good Luck and hope for the best. You will get into a great school either way.