Hi all,
I am a Junior year student, and I am hoping someone could chance me for the following UCs: UC Santa Cruz, UC Davis, UC San Diego, UC Santa Barbara, UC Irvine
UC GPA: 3.8 (estimated by far)
SAT: 1410
ACT: 32
APs: AP Stats, AP Chinese, AP Calculus, AP Computer Science
California Resident
More than 120 service hours, Presidential Service Award Gold
Junior Student Representative for School
Member of DECA Club (9-12), got placed on top 9 in State DECA
Member of Computer Science club
Member of Girls Who Code Club
Major: CS or Math or Business
Essays: Will put a lot of efforts on it
Thanks a lot!
You look like a competitive applicant but CS will be tough for most of the UC’s with a below 4.0 UC GPA. You would have a better chance as a Math major or Business. However, UCI/UCR and UCB are the only UC’s with Business schools. At the other UC’s you would be looking at Econ as a major.
Getting into UCI’s Business major is very competitive so make sure you select an alternate major when applying.
UC’s tend to be very GPA focused so hopefully by year’s end you can bump up that GPA if you plan to pursue CS. Your test scores are competitive and you have good EC’s. Make sure you have equally good essays.
For UCSD, if select a capped major (CS), make sure you select a non-capped major as a alternate (Math is also capped at UCSD) or you may end up in Undeclared. Trying to switch majors as an Undeclared into a capped major is very difficult and no guarantees.
Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 3.80-4.19:
UCB: 14%
UCLA: 14%
UCSD: 44%
UCSB: 54%
UCD: 58%
UCI: 65%
UCSC: 85%
UCR: 94%
UCM: 96%
I see no real safety schools on your list and it is possible to be completely shutout of the UC’s if you do apply as a CS major.
Add UCR/SDSU/CSULB and/or Cal Poly Pomona as possible safety/solid match schools to your list.
Add Cal Poly SLO for a High Match for Business/ Match for Math.
Good Luck.
Gumbymom is the best. Be sure you heed her advice about backup plans.
“Chance” threads should always have a couple of disclaimers. One: your competitiveness for admission depends heavily on your major. Two: an individual’s probability of admission is either zero or 100% for each school. The percentages from the data apply to the applicant pool by segment, or as a whole. You can get shut out despite great stats.
@Gumbymom Thank you very much for your advice, it is very helpful. I will definitely keep in mind. What about Pepperdine? If my 3 years unweighted GPA is at around 3.55-3.65, do you think I can have a chance to get in Purdue or UIUC for CS? Thanks a lot for your help!
@PadreDeTres Thank you for your advice as well! 
Pepperdine is most likely a Match school but they are very faith-based so you need to be comfortable with that aspect of the university. Purdue and UIUC are very good schools for CS but again pretty competitive and definitely not a guarantee with your stats.