Chance Me Please

State: IL
GPA: weighted- 3.3/4.0 (mostly B’s)
haven’t taken SAT yet (predicting 28)
No class rank at my school, I go to a top high school in my state
Freshman yr: Bio reg, French 2, English 1 Honors, Geo reg, World History Honors
Sophomore: Chem reg, French 3 Honors, English 2 Honors, Alg 2 w/ Trig reg, AP Euro
Junior (this year): Physics Honors, French 4 Honors, AP English Lang, Pre-Calc reg, AP US History
Senior (what I plan to take): AP Bio, French 5 Honors (my school doesn’t have AP French), AP English Literature, AP Stats, Business Ownership, Economics

Student Council: class rep (Freshman), Secretary/Treasurer (Sophomore), Junior student liaison (Junior), student liaison (Senior - it’s an inherited position)
French Club: all 4 years (sophomore-senior: secretary and treasurer)
Orchestra: since 4th grade; Chamber orchestra (Freshman), Concert Orchestra and Honors Orchestra (Sophomore-Senior); I spend about 15-17 hours on orchestra per week
French Honor Society
Applying to National Honor Society
Job: McDonalds crew member; 18-20 hours a week (Junior year-present)

Other: I’m a black girl from a single-parent home, lower-middle class, and I live in a house built by Habitat for Humanity. However, I do live in a town of about 27,000 people, 85% white and upper-middle class.

I would major in business at UW-Madison.

Your grades are very low for UW-Madison. Your current GPA would place you in the bottom 7% of admitted students.

I assume you mean ACT (rather than SAT) when you anticipate a score of 28. You really need to take the test to see what the real score is. a score of 27 would put you at the 25th percentile for admitted students. And you are out of state.

If you really want to go there (and succeed) you should try to get your GPA up do a lot of preparation for the ACT.

btw- UW uses unweighted grades- no extra points for Honors/AP… That makes your gpa even lower. UW may have concerns that you could handle the workload at UW- it is tougher than taking AP classes in HS.

The 3.3 is my unweighted GPA