Chance me Texas A&M engineering

Look I am not trying to argue. But I asked you to chance me, and not criticize what I think is a safety or not. I came here to get some insight into the whole process and I simply disagree with your opinion (nothing wrong with that). When you state “if you already knew the answer you wanted to hear, why ask the question”, ONE.) I never asked you a question regarding what type of school A&M would be for me (whether that is safety, target, or reach), I asked about my chances. TWO.) If you can’t handle my opinion why reply to a comment I wrote to another user? Look I have plenty of people telling me there are other colleges, but for many, it’s their only form of hope. It’s easy to comment about it because you may or may not be going through it right now, but it’s honestly so heartbreaking when you can’t get into the school you always wanted to go to and with comments telling me “oh I don’t know how at your rank it would have been a safety school”. I understand I am not the best candidate but what did you get out of that comment? Absolutely nothing. When I said it’s crazy to believe A&M was one of my safety schools, I meant it as a realizing moment, not my actual thought process.

I appreciate your insight but please make sure you don’t hurt someone in the process.

Your chances aren’t good IMHO.

I hope you get in.

Best of luck.

@sk1234567 i do think you have a great chance to get offered TEAB, which IS full admission. I know I sound like a broken record :rofl: but please read up on it. If you are offered it or Galveston, you’ll need to accept quickly.

OP please let us know how it works out at A&M. Good luck!

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Wow I just love it when people try to bring down others. It’s amusing.

When posting a chance me, you are asking for opinions. I don’t see anyone trying to “bring you down”.

Best of luck to you. Hopefully you will get a decision soon.


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