Chance me @ the UCs please.!

<li>UC Berkeley</li>
<li>UC San Diego</li>
<li>UC Irvine</li>
<li>UC Davis</li>
<li>UC Santa Cruz</li>

<h1>7. UC Santa Barbara</h1>

<p>-Hispanic male
-first generation college student
-California resident</p>

<p>*I’m gonna apply for biochemistry, biological sciences, molecular biology, etc.</p>


<p>UC GPA: 4.0</p>

<p>Overall weighted GPA: 3.9
Overall unweighted GPA: 3.6</p>

<p>*Class Rank: 13/187</p>

<p>*AP Classes:
I have taken all the APs my school offers except AP Physics (no room in schedule).</p>

<p>Junior Year:
AP US History: A, A - 1 on AP Test
AP Spanish: A, A - 5 on AP Test
AP Chemistry: C, B - 2 on AP Test</p>

<p>Senior Year:
AP Calculus AB
AP Biology
AP Literature & Comp</p>

<p>*SAT: 1830
Critical Reading: 580
Math: 570
Writing: 670, 9 essay</p>

<p>**(re-taking in December, expecting ~2000)</p>

<p>*SAT II:
Chemistry: 640
Math II: 540
Literature: 530</p>

<p>*I live in a small rural community in California’s central valley.</p>

<p>*My extracurriculars will be good enough (I don’t have the time to type them all out)</p>

<p>*My personal statements and letters of recommendation will be strong.</p>

<p>What are my chances @ these schools? Please and Thank you.</p>

<p>UCLA, Cal: High reach (probably rejected)
SD: Low reach
Irvine, Davis, SC, SB: Match</p>

<p>Irvine, Davis, SC, and SB - which would be safeties?</p>

<p>just wondering… how can you have strong letters of recommendation if UC’s do not take them into account? Otherwise, I think that UCSC might be safety; for UCLA I think you will be in all probability rejected (your stats are a bit low), though, Berkeley might be easier than UCLA for you but only if you have some really stellar ECs.</p>

<p>Thank you for replying, artinka. </p>

<p>Lol, I copied and pasted most of this post from one of my previous posts. I was asking to be chanced @ private schools, which is why I mentioned the letters of recommendation.</p>

<p>I think if you get your SAT to >2000, you should be in. Though your GPA is low-ish for LA, B, Davis, etc., your rank is realtively good, which puts the GPA in perspective. Hopefully your EC’s are good, then you’d have a great chance. </p>

<li>UCLA- Mid to High Reach</li>
<li>UC Berkeley- Mid to High Reach</li>
<li>UC San Diego- High Match</li>
<li>UC Irvine- Match</li>
<li>UC Davis- Mid to High Match</li>
<li>UC Santa Cruz- Match</li>
<li>UC Santa Barbara- Mid Match</li>

<p>Irvine + SC would be just about safties.</p>

<p>Chance back? <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Thank you for replying, drpvv. I know that UCLA and Cal are hard but I hope to get into at least a few of the lesser UCs.</p>

<p>C’mon guys. I need feedback :P</p>

<p>If I apply to those 7 schools, which would be the safe bets?</p>

<p>Which schools will likely admit me?</p>

<p>bump please :)</p>




<p>Dude you have a good chance. I think you’re pretty much in at all of them except UCSD, UCB and UCLA. But those are toss-ups for everyone so don’t worry about it too much.</p>

<p>ah, lol. Thanks bro… </p>

<p>I’m stressed out as heck. Hopefully I’ll get in SOMEWHERE :(</p>

<p>haha dude when i saw when you said youve taken all the ap classes ur school offers, i was like shiettt, this dudes smart. but then i saw ur ap scores i was like “wth you got an A in apush but a 1 on the test!?” LOL</p>

<p>well back to the chancies, ur sat2 scores are a bit low, shouldve gotten em at least 650+. if u brg up ur SAT scores, youll get into ucsc for sure.
irvine, davis, and sb are maybe. and sd, berkeley, and la are very likely not.</p>

<p>^Um. Rude.</p>

<p>Pretty sure you’ll get into santa cruz without improving your SAT’s. </p>

<p>So from what I know…which isn’t much, because I’m a high school senior (: </p>

<p>Irvine/Santa Cruz: safeties </p>

<p>Santa Barbara: match</p>

<p>Davis: high match</p>

<p>San Diego: low reach</p>

<p>LA/Berkley: reach</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>