Chance me! Transfer applicant!

<p>My community college college GPA is 4.0...I am currently a sophmore and
I have taken genetics (200 level), environmental science, philosophy, psychology, sociology, social problems (200 level), English history (200 level), history of eastern civ, statisitcs (200 level), english 103</p>

<p>Got credit for English 103 and History of U.S. from AP tests </p>

<p>This coming semester I am taking economics, biology, and history of western civ.</p>

<p>Outside of school, I work 20-40 hours per week at a bank, take Mandarin Chinese, and a few other misc. things.</p>

<p>I submitted my ACT and highschool transcript....</p>

<p>My ACT was 31 and highschool GPA 3.4 (my school's system is weird, and some classes are weighted while others aren't, so I do not know whether this is weighted or not?) </p>

<p>I explained in my essay that my high school GPA suffered early on because I had several deaths in the family and a mother with a drug problem (who is now in prison), who was in and out of jail. I picked my GOA back up in junior and senior year and learned how to manage my personal life so it does not hurt my academic performance.</p>


<p>Any time a school weights some classes there is a weighted gpa. To find an unweighted gpa you use the grade without any extras. Your HS gpa doesn’t matter for transferring- your college one does. It looks like you have taken college level courses. Looks good for a UW transfer.</p>

<p>I am not sure how to figure out my exact unweighted GPA, because it is not present on my transcript. Any ideas?</p>

<p>Likely a moot point for a transfer. Count every semester course as one unit, add up the total units (7 courses per semester x 2 semesters per year x 4 years would be 56). For each course (UW only uses academic courses- no idea which do/don’t count so just use them all) assign a number to the letter grade and add up the numbers. An A is 4 points, add 0.3 for pluses (such as a B+ is 3.3) and subtract 0.3 for minuses (B- is 2.7). Divide your total points by the total semester hours and you get your gpa with every course weighted the same, ie the unweighted gpa. There are easier ways to manipulate the numbers to mathematically do the same thing if you wish.</p>

<p>To guess at your unweighted gpa you can look at the number of honors/AP other classes given extra weight and subtract a lot or little from your gpa depending on how many of those you took.</p>

<p>I usually don’t bother to spell things out in detail but hopefully others can use this info.</p>

<p>I’d be very surprised if you didn’t get in. Nice work.</p>