Chance me- Transfer from Wesleyan

Hi, I am a current freshman entering his second semester at Wesleyan University, and I am seriously considering transferring out, and I am in the process of applying to GWU for the fall (2018-2019). I was just curious as to my chances.

Ethnicity: Black
Low income
From New Jersey
Went to a prestigious High School (Princeton Day)

College gpa: 3.09/3.1, This is where I’m a bit confused, cause common app has a form called the “mid-term report” where you can have your course instructors for the current semester give current standings and grades in the semester that you are applying in. As the application deadline is April 15th, and my final spring semester grades would not be released until late may, this seems like the only way to indicate any kind of second semester improvement to whomever may be reading my transfer app. But, on the GWU transfer site, this form is never mentioned. Anyone have any experience on this front? Is there no other way to show them my second semester grades before they make admittance decisions? Or am I basically screwed already?

Intended Major: Poli Sci/Government

College ECs: A capella, student theatre, lots of it, civic engagement, two on campus jobs (tutoring and ushering in the cfa), club fencing,

High School gpa: 3.8
3 APs: Biology (4), American Gov. (4), AB Calc. (4)
SAT (new): 1430- reading and writing (710), math (720)
Subject tests: Biology E (730), Chemistry (710)

I would just really like some honest opinions. I would of course add to all of this (assumedly) good writing supplements and teacher recs.

Thank you!

Wesleyan is a very good university. Why do you want to transfer?

I would think that your college GPA is likely to be an issue. Given that you are only one semester into university, you should try to get this up if you can.

Primarily stems from my love for the city/dc in general, and also some on campus issues i would rather not get into which may or may not have influenced my current gpa. But also, I am curious, do they take into account the next semester gpa? like, I remember in hs, when you applied, eventhough the due date for some applications was before final grades came out, they actually didn’t touch your application until final grades were released weeks after the due date, and sent to the school. Does it work like that?

Wesleyan is a good university to transfer to G.W from so they may overlook your g.p.a…the admissions committee is smart so they obviously know that a student with a 3.1 from Wesleyan who has challenged themselves is sometimes just as good if not better than the student with 3.5+ from community college. Plus your stats from hs are decent enough so you could probably clutch if you write some dope essays, explain your underpeformance and convince them it not likely to continute and just make sure you state clear reasons why you want to transfer.