Chance me Virginia Tech class of 2023! Thank you!

I applied to Virginia Tech early action for fall 2019. I was in a severe accident last year that caused me to miss over a month of school (consecutive days) and a lot of time after that, causing my grades to PLUMMET. I talked to VT’s office of admissions and they told me to have my counselor send the recommendation he sent to other schools since it explained the effects of my accident. Could someone please estimate my chances? Thanks.

State Residency: Virginia
SAT: 1420
GPA: 3.6
Essays: strong
Recommendations: Counselor - decent
AP biology - strong
Rank: school doesn’t rank
APs: AP World History, AP US History, AP Micro, AP Macro, AP Biology, AP Calc AB, AP Statistics, AP Gov, AP EnviroSci, AP Chem
Gender: Female
Race/ethnicity: White (Middle East) but not considered minority
Extras: 10 APs, National Honor Society, involved in lots of volunteer work and clubs involving science
College/Major: Biology

You shouldn’t have any problem getting in.

I assume the 3.6 is an unweighted GPA - rather low with all the APs if weighted. Could be an issue especially if engineering. But the good SAT should help - still engineering could be a stretch.

I do have a questions (not particular with this poster). But I always see people say their essays were strong. How do people know their essays are “strong”. How would anyone know there essay was strong in the viewpoint of what the admissions department is looking for?

@cbl1 I remember listening to a freakonomics podcast about college admissions, their guest was in admissions at Duke and basically said “about 90 percent of all the essays we get are all cookie cutter and not that impressive”. So yeah I think most people really overestimate the relative strength of their essays.