Chance Me?


What are my chances with my stats?

  • 3.924 UW GPA
  • 29 ACT
  • 36 college credits from Junior year PSEO (3.91 GPA), taking 40 more credits this Senior Year


Wisconsin resident?


Minnesota resident

Anyone else have an opinion on my chances?

@bb12jo you are right at the midpoint for the ACT (27-31 is the 50% range per College Navigator fall 2015 entering class. 2016 not available yet). So you would think that’s a good place to be. However, the admit rate for MN residents is several points lower than the overall average and that needs to be factored in as well (check out page 3 of the following link). It seems that UWisc. has been accepting about 5%-7% fewer MN kids each year (over the prior year) since 2011. Not sure what this year’s incoming class data will look like.

Your GPA seems fine, of course.

Keep in mind that they look at other factors, although academic strength (GPA/Class Rank, rigor of courses) and test scores are weighted the most heavily.

Good luck to you!

Edit to add: the PSEO should definitely help as well, although not sure how the Wisconsin system evaluates this compared to MN.

@Mamelot Looking at that PDF that you linked that lists all the stats, I was very surprised to see that First-gen students actually had a significantly lower admit rate(42.8 vs 50.2%). Why would that be?

^^Lower ACT/GPA is my guess

@bb12jo - Not sure what’s driving the admission stats at UWisc. We also live in MN! I notice that the rates for First Gen’rs vs non seem to be all over the map. Could just depend on where those kids are coming from in a given year (if OOS then they are subject to the lower overall rate anyway, for instance). I haven’t really seen this particular stat on another school’s institutional research page - certainly the UMN system doesn’t disclose it. So I really have no idea whether or not UWisc. is similar to comparable public - or even to selective private - institutions.

Guessing that several factors may influence that particular admit rate so here are a few that come to mind: 1) obviously college readiness, which is more of a secondary school issue; 2) more competitive admission over time which favors higher-stat kids (a large portion of whom aren’t First-Gen’rs) EDIT: like @Madison85 said above; 3) State statutes mandating degree of racial preference allowed in college admissions. Not sure what’s been going on in WI specifically regarding this. The First Gen’r rate seems to track (at least partially) the Targeted Minority rate so these two groups probably have a lot of overlap. Both would be affected by changes either in the statutes or in the legal interpretation of such (as determined by the court system).

Hope that helps!

I was accepted! I was expecting to be deferred!