<p>What are my chances for addmission to top universities?
I am an international student from india currently pursuing 12th grade. I have yet to answer the sat 1 and the subject tests. i am positive that i'll be able to get above 2000(and above 750 in math) in the sat-1 and above 700 in all the subjects (which are maths level-1 and 2 and physics).I am in the top 2% of the students in my school and will surely get good recommendation letters.
Also, for extracurriculars, I participated in the district level football competition in 8th grade( which we won), won the district level tennis tournament in 9 th and 10th successive grades. Also won the district level badminton tournament in the 11th grade. i lost in 12th grade but was still selected to represent the district at the state level. I represented my district at the state level in all these sports in their respective years. Also, i have taken two mountaineering and trekking courses (high altitude trekking) certified by the government. i also published some poems in a newspaper in 10th grade.
What are my chances for the ivy-league, MIT or other top universities. please suggest</p>
<p>i'd say you'll have a solid chance as long as you get a good SAT I score (2150+)...you're EC's wont let you down definitely, and as you say you'll get good Rec Letters, so the only blot could be your SAT score...</p>
<p>What makes you different from other Indian applicants, many of whom have better test scores and extracurriculars than you? And do you need financial aid?</p>
<p>exactly.. just state-level sports don't show any academic pursuit, unless you can get recruited by them into a sports team (which has never happened in past several years in india).
And financial aid is a big factor too except for mit, princeton, harvard, yale and dartmouth</p>
<p>spidey, how go the apps? :)</p>
<p>I'm registering them for attempt to homicide lol.. they're trying to kill me :)
Right now, I'm finishing dartmouth's apps for ED</p>
<p>Yes, I do need financial aid. Will it hust my admission process?</p>
<p>Im sure to get 800's on sat maths 2 and physics :)</p>
<p>financial aid is a big factor in admissions except for mit, princeton, harvard, yale and dartmouth</p>
<p>look plbrar .... please aim low! all those schools are really nice! and truly speaking ur stuff is NOT gonna take u there! no offense, but search around and find some nice other schools! find some matches, find safeties ... don't' bet ur life on MIT! that's not gonna help!</p>
<p>i think that you could suggest some matches and safeties adrivit.
<p>Sure! But all the safeties and matches depend on exactly how much financial aid you need! So what % do you need?</p>
<p>as much as i can get.
or i can do on-campus jobs or take a loan.</p>
<p>Things don't work that way. How much financial aid you get solely depends on how much you can officially contribute, as per your tax return statements and assets go. They determine your EFC(Estimated Family Contribution) and calculate how much you're gonna get! So, if you can contribute say 5000$ per year, your chances are better at places like Colgate etc, than a bloke you can't contribute anything. So, what I suggest is, have a chat with your parents and see how much you can contribute, including education loans. </p>
<p>Next, what do u wanna study? I suggest looking at Best</a> Colleges - Education - US News and World Report and Best</a> Colleges - Education - US News and World Report. Check the college websites. </p>
<p>This is a tad cumbersome process, but one you have to do. So butt-in!</p>
<p>Oh and are you thinking of applying this year? Then HURRY!</p>
<p>you need some big international awards for MIT as international students...</p>
<p>like ive got after representing my country in the intel isef</p>
<p>Not necessarily, look at the previous MIT admits. Are all of them International Medalists? No.</p>
<p>our family income is about 4 lacs which is about 10,000 $.</p>