Chance? ugh

<p>Ok so heres my stuff. Gimme your honest opinion of whether or not ill be denied, deferred, or accepted. I'm applyin EA. I go to a small private school in PA.</p>

<p>GPA: 3.3 weighted.
SAT: 1240/1600 (640M 610V)
Rank: (School doesn't do rank)
Took 2 courses at UM Summer Scholar Program this summer, A's in both courses, 6 creds.</p>

National Honor Society
National Society of High School Scholars
President, Christian Action Program
President, S.A.D.D.
President, Chorus Group
Captain, Mock Trial
Secretary, Student Council
Baseball Team, 3 years
Writer, School Newspaper</p>

<p>Course Load:
6 AP Courses
Tough Senior Year courses</p>

<p>Great Recs and Essay</p>

<p>I'm majoring in Sport Management. Be honest! Thanks a lot.</p>

<p>your SATs are on the line, but i think your GPA will come in low, especially since it's weighted. but your ECs look strong. i guess it'll depend on this year's applicant pool. good luck!</p>

<p>well your stats are better than mine! i think they will really like the summer program thing you did. </p>

<p>want to chance me back :) :)</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>