
<p>White male
Top 10 % of class
ACT-27 (probably won't use)
12 varsity letters
4 time varsity soccer player (captain)
4 time varsity indoor track player (captain)
4 time varsity tennis player (3 years at 1st singles, captain)
2 year member of NHS
Over 50 hours of community service
Student Government Day
Business Club President (intended major)
Work as a lifeguard during the summer</p>

<p>What is your breakdown of SAT - UM only counts Math and Reading. What type of course load have you had, esp. Junior and Senior years: AP, IB, Honors classes. If AP, what were your scores? What geographic region of the country?</p>

<p>Math + Reading= 1300
2 APs junior year 4-APUSH 3-AP Eng
4 AP classes senior year
from the northeast</p>

<p>A decent candidate in general, but being from the northeast doesn’t help as there are many strong applicants from that region. I noticed that a lot of the Singer/Stamps nominees were from the northeast meaning many of the top applicants are from there. </p>

<p>I’d say UM may be a match for you.</p>

<p>I think you’d be accepted and eligible for either an 11k or 16k annual merit scholarship. Recommend taking ACT & SAT again to maximize (super) scores, visit campus if possible being sure to let them know you are there and meeting with as many people in admissions and in the business school that you can, apply EA with a killer essay.
Best of luck to you this fall!</p>

<p>thank you guys, anybody else?</p>

<p>bump as I applied</p>

<p>I’d say you’re about in.</p>