Chancellor's, Dean's, Faculty, TCU and Founder's Scholarship Stats?

@MusTeachMom My D received the Dean’s scholarship in the mail today. 84K. But no invite from r chancellors.

@LTmomof2 Thanks for letting me know! Was it from FedEx or regular mail?

Regular mail.

@LTmomof2 Also, I am sorry about the Chancellor’s Scholarship. From what I have been reading, it has become excruciatingly competitive. I am not expecting my daughter to receive an invite either, but until that package arrives, I will keep the hope alive! :slight_smile: FYI, if you are interested, I think honors college invites come in a separate mailing in a couple of weeks.

@MusTeachMom regular mail

@Meant2B sorry! Meant to tag you on my earlier post!

@LTmomof2 Well, darn! More days of waiting! Our mail system is soooo slow! I am holding my breath for the Dean’s Scholarship at this point! Thanks, again, for posting, and congratulations on the scholarship award!

@MusTeachMom Thank you for your kind words! We honestly weren’t expecting Chancellors invite as when we attended our last Monday at TCU they pretty much said it had gotten crazy competitive. I am very happy for my D with Dean’s. TCU along with pretty much all of the high applicant schools have become very very competitive. Good luck to your D! We are in Austin so even snail mail gets her quicker than other parts of the country. Please let me know once she hears. This is a long process for all of us and it’s nice to cheer each other on!

@LTmomof2 congrats on the Dean’s!! We are in NJ, and rural, so I’m sure anything mailed to us will take a few more days. Fingers crossed!!

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@Meant2B good luck! Please keep us posted!

@sammyanntx good grief I was really bad about tagging in everyone who has asked about Dean,s and Chancellors! Assuming from your screen name that you are ins Texas as well? My D received the Dean’s scholarship today via snail mail! We are in Austin.

Faculty Scholarship here and $18,000/year. That’s about what we thought for a high GPA 1400 SAT. All good! Congrats to everyone!

My son received his packet today and no mention of a scholarship at all. I’m a little surprised because I thought he’d be competitive for something. But it’s actually ok- he has received several good options from other schools and this will make it easier to make a decision. He has a 3.76uw/4.6w, 31ACT (32SS), and he attended one of their admission events over the summer. Also, we are local- don’t know if that makes a difference in how they are trying to build their class. Congratulations to Everyone!! TCU is a great school!

@OriginalSmother my D got her scholarship letter today but has yet to receive her packet… zilch, nothing saying she was accepted but then got the scholarship letter in the mail today. She is obsessive about Checking her portal so she knew she got in last week. But as far as mail pieces from TCU, you are ahead of us… we haven’t gotten any packet regarding admissions, but her scholarship letter came today… hang in there! Seems these things often come out of sequence! Good luck to you! We are in Austin.

@LTmomof2 Thanks! The packet he received is a big purple envelope with all the next steps and a very nice letter from Heath Einstein- although there wasn’t anything personalized about it. I guess it is possible another letter may come? My S did not seem too disappointed- he has a very laid back attitude about this whole process- so if he doesn’t receive anything, we can take TCU off the table- which may make this whole thing a little easier. It’s all turning out to be harder than I thought!

Has anyone received or know of someone who has received an invitation to the Chancellor’s Scholarship Interview Weekend? Wondering if it would be in my Dean’s Scholarship Letter or if it might come separately later.

@volleyballer18 We are wondering the same thing! My daughter got her Dean’s Scholarship letter today but no mention of Chancellor’s invite, so she’s not sure if that mean’s she didn’t get it or if it’s coming separately.
@LTmomof2 yes, we are in Abilene. She received Dean’s letter today just still waiting on that possible Chancellor’s invite. Tuition is out of reach without it for us.

Also, does anyone know how to apply for micro scholarships?

@sammyanntx @volleyballer18 When I called the admissions office, she said all scholarship information, including chancellor’s scholarship, was sent on Wednesday and included in the same mailing. We still haven’t received our letter yet so I am afraid we will now have to wait until after Christmas with no mail service today or Monday. Pins and needles!!!

Well we anxiously went to check the mail today and we got all of our neighbors mail. Not one piece of our mail. And the neighbors mail we got are out of town until the new year. If anyone sees any sort of portal change due to scholarship - please post.