Chancellor's, Dean's, Faculty, TCU and Founder's Scholarship Stats?

S’s scholarship letter came today (Deans). So, I guess TCU is still in play for him. We aren’t too far from the school, so anyone still waiting- especially those farther out- don’t give up hope yet!

I received the deans scholarship and an invite to the chacellor’s scholarship both in the same letter yesterday. I live in south Texas. Hope this helps!

In NJ and no acceptance package or letters today. Hopefully we will receive after the Christmas holiday! Congrats to those who have received!

Son received Dean’s scholarship($21k/yr) today. No mention of chancellors weekend or honors college. Northern California.

Received admissions packet and separate scholarship letter today. Never received email.0
Founders scholarship $10K/yr.

@cg2018 Since you got Chancellor’s invite can you share your stats?

33 act
1420 superscored sat (1410 normal)
101.68 weighted gpa (school doesn’t do 4.0 scale)
extremely active in school and many leadership opportunities
member of NHS and SHS (Spanish Honor Society)
very rigorous courses
200+ hours of service
3/92 at a small Catholic high school in a border town
3 varsity sports all throughout high school
many academic and athletic awards
great letters of recommendations given by teachers
visited tcu and had multiple conversations with admissions rep

My daughter did not get a Chancellor’s weekend invite. I thought I’d share her stats because it may illustrate how competitive this scholarship is:

ACT 34
GPA 3.9 (unweighted)
Rank: top 7% of large highly competitive public high school
10 AP classes

National Merit semifinalist
Girl Scout Gold Award
AP Scholar with distinction
French NHS (VP)

Pre-professional classical ballet dancer (20+ hours per week, year round)

Hello all! Can anyone who received the Chancellor’s invite respond to this question? In your portal under “admitted student events,” does your chancellor’s invite show up there? Or does anyone see anything about the scholarship offer on their TCU portal? If so, can you please tell me where? Due to a clerical error, my daughter’s scholarship information likely went to the wrong address, and offices are closed until after January 2nd. We are needing to make travel plans and flight arrangements as soon as possible for a number of audition weekends and are trying to find out the answer to our question in an alternate way. Thank you in advance for your help! @cg2018

@MusTeachMom The Chancellor’s invite is right under the button for admitted students events. I am not sure if that makes sense. It’s not when you click on “admitted student events” but rather the link right under it. I do not see anything about a scholarship offer on my portal. Hope this helped!

That does help, @cg2018. Thank you! So just to clarify…you are saying that since you received an invitation to the Chancellor’s Scholarship weekend, a link appears in your portal that says “Chancellor’s Scholarship” right under the “admitted student events” link? Just trying to double check before we make plans! Thanks, again!

@MusTeachMom Yes, exactly! It goes “admitted student events” and then directly under it “Chancellor’ s Scholar Weekend” then “Monday at TCU”

DS got Dean’s Scholarship ($21,000/yr) but no Chancellor invite. Stats follow for those following. Obviously very competitive pool.
1550 SAT (800 Math)
34 ACT (36 Reading)
4.0 unweighted GPA
5.8 weighted GPA
24 dual credit hours
4 AP credits
Top 1% of senior class #4/455
250 service hours
3 year Varsity sport
lots of extracurricular activities but not leadership positions
part time employment
several community/local awards

Son go the same yesterday. $84k

Hi all! Would everyone please post when/if you receive an honor’s college invitation? We finally got confirmation today that my daughter received the Dean’s scholarship! Whew! Mail has been going to the wrong address so it has been a very long wait!

My son received an email on Friday 1/12 that he was receiving a $4,000/yr scholarship (in addition to the Deans) from the College of Fine Arts- this is an Academic Achievement Scholarship. What a nice surprise- we weren’t expecting or even aware of any departmental scholarships.

My daughter got the same email @OriginalSmother! Is your son majoring in music?

@MusTeachMom No, he is majoring in graphic design. He is leaning towards their BA in design because he also has other interests and it would be easier to incorporate a minor or possibly a double major. Congratulations to your daughter! Has she definitely settled on TCU? My son is still undecided.

@OriginalSmother My daughter is still somewhat undecided as well, but her recent visit to TCU definitely helped to propel it to the top of her list. We, also, were very impressed with their openness for students to create their own path toward individual goals through a double major, taking classes outside of intended major, etc. My daughter would really love to be a part of the Honors College as well so we are hoping for some good news on that front. She was selected to audition for the Nordan Scholarship last weekend. If she were to receive that, it would pay full tuition and there would be no question that she would happily choose TCU! Congratulations to your son, and keep us posted on his choice!

@OriginalSmother My daughter is still somewhat undecided as well, but her recent visit to TCU definitely helped to propel it to the top of her list. We, also, were very impressed with their openness for students to create their own path toward individual goals through a double major, taking classes outside of intended major, etc. My daughter would really love to be a part of the Honors College as well so we are hoping for some good news on that front. She was selected to audition for the Nordan Scholarship last weekend. If she were to receive that, it would pay full tuition and there would be no question that she would happily choose TCU! Congratulations to your son, and keep us posted on his choice!