Chances at UCSB, UCD, UCSD, UCSC

Hey guys! I’m a current junior and I will be finishing the year with a 4.047 UC GPA overall. I currently have a 28 ACT(will retake soon) and a 1310 SAT score. Could you give me a honest evaluation of whether I can get into these universities and what I need to do to boost my chances? I had a poor GPA my sophomore year and picked it up my junior year when I transferred out. My intended major will likely be either Economics or Statistics. Thank you!

My Extracurriculars are: -Eagle Scout (built irrigation system to combat drought)

-Developed mobile app(connecting my reddit community to an app using an api)

-Founded FBLA and became president for Senior year

-Vice President of Debate Club for two years, President for Senior year

-Created Youtube channel to promote positive events at my school after we ended up on the news for fights.

-Market Research Manager at my school’s Marketing class

You are within range with your GPA and test scores for all the schools, but your intended major will be an important factor in your admission decisions. The more competitive the major, the higher the stats. I would definitely work on bumping up your test scores but overall I would say you have a decent chance at all but definitely no guarantees.

Make sure you write some outstanding essays and have 1-2 safety schools on your list since UC’s can be unpredictable.

Best of luck.

Freshman admit rates (2016) for UC GPA of 3.80-4.19:

UCB: 14%
UCLA: 14%
UCSD: 44%
UCSB: 54%
UCD: 58%
UCI: 65%
UCSC: 85%
UCR: 94%
UCM: 96%