Chances at UW?

<p>Hey, I'm a senior in HS and am curious as to how hard it would be to get admitted. </p>

<p>UW GPA: 3.1 W: 3.3
ACT: 28 (Reading: 23 English: 27 Math: 28 Science: 33)
Workload: Relatively basic besides 2 honors classes and 2 AP classes.
EC's: 120+ hours of community service, work 35+ hours a week, 4 years of baseball (2 years varsity), Varsity Choir</p>

<p>Huge upward trend:
Freshmen year cumulative: 2.4
Sophomore year cumulative: 3.33
Junior year cumulative: 3.63
Freshman year was a huge disappoint, but allowed me to prove that I'm better than that.</p>

<p>Not that it has much weight on an application, but I'm a strong writer.</p>

<p>I know that this is a very high reach for me, but it never hurts to hear the opinions from others.</p>

<p>U can get in, ru in state?</p>

<p>No I am not. I live in the suburbs of Chicago.</p>

<p>Can anyone else offer any insight? I enjoy honesty and harsh opinions.</p>

<p>Bumping out of desperation</p>

<p>24 hours is not that much time waiting for posts. Even your best gpa junior year is only midrange. You can apply and see what happens. You need stellar essays. Too late now, but it looks like your academics have suffered with your work and other activities. I didn’t know it was legal for teens to work that much during the school year. Do well at whichever college you attend and consider transferring if you have strong reasons to attend UW instead of other schools. Not sure you are competitive for your state flagship, either. Discuss with your HS guidance counselor to be sure you have good college choices. College is a full time job- be sure you are prepared to consider it primary in your life- there will be decades to work. Also figure out why you want to go to college- have a major in mind, you can always easily change it.</p>

<p>Thanks! Any other insight?</p>

<p>It may be difficult. OOS is more competitive.
Madison average GPA is a 3.84 and their average ACT is a 28.
Hopefully your essays were good.
I wouldn’t guess they’d outright reject you. You’ll probably be deferred/accepted.</p>

<p>Thank you very much!</p>


<p>I love responses</p>