Chances at VT aid?

<p>I know chance threads pop up often, but this one is a little different. I'm an OOS student in a little of a pinch because my state doesn't have any really good engineering schools to go to, and I'm looking at VT, but probably couldn't afford to pay more than 10k a year(housing, everything included).</p>

<p>State: Tennessee
GPA: ~3.80 unweighted
Rank: Somewhere near 10%
ACT: 33, 34 superscored(I'm fairly certain VT does this)
ECs: Not much, but I am a volunteer firefighter(takes up quite a bit of time) and work at a fast food restaurant around 20 hours a week to pay for my gas and car insurance.
Also had a 4-week internship at a local research center during this past summer.
Essays: None, if it would help I would probably write one just as a personal statement.</p>

<p>Intended Major - General Engineering
FASFA EFC - I'm guessing around 3-5k, but not sure. Parent income is somewhere in the ballpark of 70k.</p>

<p>APs/Dual Enrollment:
AP Chemistry(11th) - 4
Dual Enrollment US History(11th) - A both semesters
AP Calculus(12th)
Dual Enrollment English(12th)
Taking a few more Dual enrollments this year(Music, sociology) just because they are high school graduation requirements and I know they will transfer if I end up in-state.</p>

<p>Well thanks for reading this, and please reply if you have anything helpful. I'm starting to really want to go to VT, but I don't know if it's really possible for me. Thanks in advance.</p>

<p>Well, if you do Ocean or Mining engineering you can get in-state tuition for your last 3 years. That’s pretty darned big and worthy of heavy consideration.</p>

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