Early Decision, engineering, and Scholarship

<p>Hey guys this is my first time using this site. Anyways, I just visited Virginia Tech on wednesday and decided that I wanted to go there for sure. I currently live in Minnesota and go to a very good high school. I have a 3.76 GPA (UW), and our school does not weight, however I have taken AP Calc AB and BC, AP comparative politics, AP government, AP US history, and will be taking 3 more AP classes. I also have a 29 on the ACT with a 33 in math and 26 in english. First question, am I a competitive applicant for engineering? Second question, will Early Decision hinder my chances of receiving scholarships? Any help would be helpful as I cant decide between ED and RD</p>

<p>Hate to burst your bubble, but VT rarely provides Scholarships to OOS students. Having said that, are you really willing to pay $45-50K to attend a public university in VA? If not, then don’t waste time applying. Best for you to stick in MN if public school is your thing or if you really want to attend a VA school, look at private such as U of Richmond, Roanoke College, W&M. They are much more apt to provide OOS scholarships.</p>

<p>First off, vjstangelo, it would really help if you do your hw before you post erroneous information. </p>

<p>OOS cost of attendance for VT is $32,911 making it one of the least expensive OOS state school options. W&M is also a Virginia PUBLIC school and like VT, is lean on OOS merit aid. </p>

<p>None of the schools you suggested to the OP offer engineering and my alma mater, the U of Richmond, is well over 50K a year. Most of their aid goes to those students that demonstrate need. The OP is most likely to receive FA that will bring his/her costs down to their EFC estimate off of the FAFSA.</p>

<p>ED applications to VT were due Nov. 1 so really this post is not even valid anymore. The OP hopefully made up their minds and decided what route to take.</p>

<p>Thanks guys, I turned in my application early decision, my parents decided the cost wasn’t that much of a burden. Yay!</p>

<p>“OOS cost of attendance for VT is $32,911 making it one of the least expensive”</p>

<p>I stand corrected.</p>

<p>“None of the schools you suggested to the OP offer engineering”</p>

<p>My point is they (RC, Richmond, W&L) do have dual degree/transfer options with Major Engineering schools such as 3/2 programs allowing the student to attend with a much lower cost than OOS tuition (considering that these schools go above and beyond to make their tuition comparable to In State Public School tuition rates). By the time the student transfers, he will likely be classified as In State and get the in state break.</p>