Chances for admission to engineering school?

<p>Sat: 1490
GPA: 3.75 W
6 APs
African-American male</p>

<p>Your chances are fairly good but keep working on that GPA. There is a marked drop-off in acceptances if your GPA falls below 3.7. See <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;
Engineering will have higher than average acceptance stats required especially with the SAT. You’ll want your Math SAT to be high - - I’ve assumed that the 1490 is for Math/Reading, i.e., exclusive of writing.</p>

<p>730 Math
760 Critical Reading
620 Writing</p>

<p>I think you will have a good chance of acceptance. You may be atypical in that your reading score is higher than your math. :slight_smile: In any case, keep plugging on your classes so that your gpa stays above 3.7. Good luck.</p>