Chances for Fall 2017???

My daughter is hoping to attend Wisconsin in Fall 2017 (Illinois resident). She has a 3.7 UW/4.46 W GPA. ACT: 26 (Superscore 28) she will retake the ACT in September. She is a member of National Honor Society, Spanish Honor Society; Math Honor Society; English Honor Society; History Honor Society; Future Health Professionals of America; Student Council; Students Against Drunk Driving; 2 year Varsity Captain of her dance team; 4 year Varsity dancer; 7AP classes the rest are all honors classes; peer mentoring, athletic leadership council; over 100 volunteer hours at local hospital. Hoping to major in neuroscience.


I think she does have a good chance! I don’t think they superscore, so it is a good idea for her to retake it. (I actually got a 26 the first time and then studied lightly for a week before I took it the second time and it brought my score up to a 30). The average scores of accepted students is 27-31. She has good extracurriculars and as long as she keeps up her good gpa, I think she has a great possibility.

No superscoring at UW. Middle of the pack-worth applying.

The 26 ACT is in the bottom quartile of accepted students.

I’m calling “the pack” the majority, more than half.