Chances of admission

Hello…Hoping someone knowledgeable can chance my daughter who will apply to UW-Madison in the fall. I have an older child graduating from this amazing school in May. My current UW-Madison student had a higher ACT but lower grades when accepted (31 ACT, 4.38 when she applied, 4.42 when she graduated from high school). My daughter has only had 2 b’s in high school, - an AP class that was two semesters sophomore year. Both my children took the most difficult courses offered at their school. My older child’s grades suffered junior year, while my current high school student has accomplished all A’s. I realize Madison admission continues to be more competitive. I’d love to know what you think…odds of get admitted next fall? I’m not sure if high school matters, but typically very few students from her high school apply to UW-Madison, although it’s been more popular in the past couple of years. Our school’s Naviance isn’t a good source as we don’t have a lot of applications to Madison.

ACT: 29, super score 30.(will take June exam, but don’t want to count on the act going up)
GPA: UW - 3.91 Weighted 4.54
Illinois Resident, Private School
Hook? Wisconsin Legacy (does Madison consider a sibling who graduated a hook)?
4 year Varsity Athlete - 3 sports, Captain of one sport
Student Council - 4 years, highest office held President
National Honor Society - Jr, Sr, - Officer Senior Year
Volunteer: Mission Trip, Relay for Life, Church Volunteer, Christian Service Leader, School Ambassador
School Newspaper: 4 years
Work Experience: Published articles in international, niche publication, intern
Major: Undecided, possibly Business
Overall, I’d say her application will suggest she juggles a lot between sports and school, while maintaining a very high GPA.
She’s very well rounded and does a lot for the local community.

Looks likely. All she can do is apply and see what happens.

Thank you! I think she’ll be so upset if she doesn’t get admitted to UW-Madison. She LOVES the school and really has worked so hard in high school to achieve this dream. I’m hoping her ACT will be good enough!!

I think she’s on par with the kids here. Her ACT is high enough that I wouldn’t worry too much (anything lower than a 27 is when you start running into problems). That being said, she should definitely focus on her essays, and maybe do her Wisconsin ones a little later. I personally thought it took me a few apps to get “the hang” of writing them, which was a shame because I applied to my dream schools first. Looking back, the ones I wrote earlier on were worse than later.

Not that she should worry about her ACT, but this may make you feel better. The first time I took it, I got a 29. After taking it a second time with minimal effort to prepare, I managed to pull a 33! I have faith. :slight_smile:

I’m just worried because I heard that the Illinois students need a higher ACT. That could be an urban legend!

I don’t think you or your daughter should worry too much. 3.91 GPA is impressive and many students have been admitted with lower GPA’s. UW does consider having an alumni sibling enough for obtaining legacy status. (although this source is almost a decade old, I doubt they’ve changed the requirements). It is also a “slight” advantage if your daughter is a first-generation college student – i.e. you or your partner have not attended college.

We have identical stats and almost all extracurriculars except I was President of National Honor Society instead of student council. I think she has a really good chance of being accepted! :slight_smile:

She will definitely get in…I have the same basically the same stats and extra curricula’s as her and I got in from the first round. I live in Minnesota too which I heard was harder to get into Madison because of reciprocity.

Her stats are almost exactly the same as my stats and I was accepted on the first possible day for the upcoming fall semester. I had a 29 ACT as well which I thought would be an issue. Only advantage I may have had are my parents are both graduates of UW-Madison. I don’t think she needs to worry.

I looked at the pdf link and legacy status is not at all a major factor- it could tip the balance “by a penny, not a pound” for some but those who are clear admits/rejects have decisions without regard to this. A lot of myths are debunked in the article (which I remember receiving as a UW alumnus after son- a clear admit- was at UW).

Hi All - I wanted to let you know my daughter bumped up a point on the ACT to a composite of 30 with a super of 31 and her writing has been pretty high (10). So, we are feeling more confident now and thank you all for your encouragement!

To keep this thread accurate, my daughter’s ACT ended up at a 31 from the originally posted 30. Her GPA is a 4.64 GPA Weighted, 3.93 unweighted (after Junior year). We are still awaiting a decision from Madison, but hope that she will hear at any moment…positive news! As of this time, only in state students have heard from Madison. Good luck everyone.

She will get in for sure. That is an extremely good GPA and the ACT is perfectly in range. At my HS in IL, nobody EVER gets rejected with below a 3.7 and 30. This year may be different, but we’ll see.

ACCEPTED last night! She’s very excited! Just wanted to close out the thread.

@ILhopeful - Congratulations! May I ask when she applied? Was it November or before (part of the “first notification”)?

@madmanmark So sorry for the late reply. She applied in the early admission/notification pool for Wisconsin.