<p>I completely agree with jakezhang...</p>
<p>Is there anybody that thinks I dont have a shot at getting in? or that my admission is not a likelihood?</p>
<p>You'll get in at MIT for sure, at Harvard I'm not so sure. You have a good chance, but it's not such a sure thing as at MIT--here's why.</p>
<p>The main drawback at Harvard is the sub-2200 SAT I score. While you will undoubtedly submit the 36 ACT, Harvard will see the SAT scores, since they require the SAT II scores to be submitted. Also, Harvard requires three SAT IIs, but you've only listed 2 here.</p>
<p>Harvard</a> College Admissions Office: frequently asked questions</p>
<p>Unless you can also get a 700+ in a third area, then you put your application at risk.</p>
<p>Your ECs and work experience are super-impressive, though--so best of luck to you.</p>
<p>I took the chem and lit subject tests today, and although I did fairly poorly on the lit test, I think I gots over a 750 on chem :) So does that improve my chances into Harvard, Calcruzer?</p>
<p>there is a myth that u need 2300+ SAT s to get into harvard. its more about your personality; and how you will contribute to the community. with that in mind, i think your chances are superb.</p>
<p>Bump!! Will chance you back!</p>
<p>Bump bumps</p>
<p>I wonder how i have gotten 735 views and only 26 responses, most of which are mine lulz.</p>
<p>I don’t want to jinx it by saying you’re in…but i think you have a very very good shot. Of course, H admissions is very random sometimes, but to be quite frank, your ethnicity should help you a bit. However, be proud that your credentials speak for themselves and you are a very worthy candidate because of your own merit and hardwork, not just a freebee in at ivies because you’re a minority. Good luck!</p>
<p>Though my stats profile is not as strong as yours, I’d appreciate an honest chance too.
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/591696-chance-me-top-schools-i-will-chance-back.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/591696-chance-me-top-schools-i-will-chance-back.html</a></p>
<p>Wow, you’re golden for both Harvard and MIT. URM+perfect scores= crazy good chances at MIT and H. If you don’t get in, I would be very surprised (slightly less surprised for MIT, because of some lack of science/math ec’s).</p>
<p>while I wouldn’t say that you’re into either of them without question (its H and MIT after all), i’d say that it’s looking real good for you at both. the 36 ACT and 4.0 UW GPA do not look that bad at all!</p>
<p>chance me back:
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/591865-chance-me-please-i-can-chance-back.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/591865-chance-me-please-i-can-chance-back.html</a></p>
<p>Calcruzer, He posted three SAT-IIs (just re-took Lit and just took Chem as wekk).</p>
<p>OP, if you don’t get in, you have nothing to hang your head about. You have done a fine, fine job and will do well wherever you decide to attend. Best of luck!</p>
<p>:'( I’m a URM with a 3.9GPA / 4.3 Weighted and a 2120 SAT. YOU HAVE BEATEN ME! PEOPLE LIKE YOU BETTER BE RARE!</p>
<p>Chances latino with crazy EC / great GPA and holy **** ACT: 80% shot.</p>
<p>oops double post here</p>
<p>You have all kinds of extracurriculars, and have focused on not just a few of them - outstanding community and international service + music + athletics (esp. your achievement in tae kwon do, although I don’t know how rare your degree black belts are) will amaze Harvard and MIT alike. Your ACT score is phenomenal, as are most of your SAT IIs - yeah retake that Lit one. I’m sure you’ll do fine if you study hard enough. GPA is excellent. Plus your ethnicity is a bonus.</p>
<p>You should have an extremely good (> 85%) chance of getting into both, in my opinion.</p>
<p>Thanks for the opinions. I will chance back if anybody else chances me!!! BUMP</p>
<p>Please? More people?</p>
<p>Anybody???/ I’ll chance you back!</p>
<p>Geez! Great ACT score!! I think you definitely have a really good chance of getting into both. You never know with Harvard though.</p>
<p>What did you do to prepare for the ACT? Just practice tests? I’m thinking about taking that even though I’ve always taken the SAT. Any tips/advice?</p>