Chances for me (=

<p>High School Junior
3.3 unweighted GPA
50% class rank (school only has 100 kids in each grade)
1040/1530 SAT.
Took accelerated science and math from 7th-10th grade.
APs- US history.
DECA since 10th grade(regional winner twice) and have gone to states twice
Have 3 year varsity tennis/bowling.
Been working at the local pharmacy for three years now.(15-20+ hours per week).
I've organized two snowboard trips for my school.
New York resident.</p>

<p>For an OOS student, your GPA is in the bottom 25 or 50%tile, as are your SAT scores. Are the accelerated math and science courses AP or IB? Or did you simply take Algebra I, geometry, Algebra II and Precalc ahead of schedule. What math did you take in 11th grade? What math will you take in 12th? What AP’s will you take next year? </p>

<p>FSU is big on strenth of schedule, especially Jr and Sr years. Take the hardest courses you can. Retake the SAT in Sept/Oct after prepping, or try the ACT after prepping. Show that you are working hard and to your potential. Write a great essay. And apply EARLY. It is a maybe. As an OOS student it is a bit of areach, as they hold OOS students to a higher standard.</p>

<p>The math and science courses meant I was ahead of the game. This year I currently didn’t have a math in my schedule because the next math I would be taking would be a calculus which I am not interested because of it being so hard and me not being the best in math. Next year I am probably going to take AP english and definitely taking AP government and politics.</p>

<p>To tell you the truth, if you applied now, you would not get in.</p>

<p>raise your sats</p>

<p>i don’t think you’d get it in as it stands now.
you have a low SAT, and your GPA isn’t incredibly high (but not terrible nonetheless).
i’d give it shot though. seeing as they might want more students paying OOS tuition with the budget deficit!</p>

<p>take the SAT again.</p>

<p>I was just accepted, and my SAT score was around yours. However, I took the ACT’s and scored much higher, so maybe try those? :)</p>

<p>I agree with the ACT idea… I took the SAT and scored like an 1160, then a little while later, took the ACT and scored a 28… That’s a big difference. I like the ACT better because it isn’t all scrambled up. When you’re done with math, you’re done with math. You aren’t going to run into another math section, and that helps you get into your proper test-taking modes.</p>

<p>Also, just keep re-taking exams. They should go up the more you take them. And since FSU superscores the exams, if you have the money, you can focus just on math on one SAT, then focus on reading and writing on another one.</p>

<p>I did better on the SAT than the ACT. I think it’s different for everyone.
I agree, take it again!</p>