Chances for Scholarship

<p>What are the chances for any Scholarship and Foote Fellowship.
College of Arts & Sciences with Pre-Med Track.</p>

<p>Applied for RD:
ACT: 34
SAT IIs: MATH 2 790
GPA: UW 4.0, W 4.9/5.0
Rank: 1/643
AP Exams : By end of Senior Yr 11 AP Exams. Already took 7 AP Exam.
School load : Took 15 AP Courses.
AP Scholar with Distinction
Many MATH Awards, IL State Scholar..</p>

<p>Essays: N/A
Teacher Recs: 2
Counselor Rec: 1
State : IL
School Type: Public
Gender: Male</p>

<p>I would say very good. As long as you came from a competitive HS you’d likely get a Presidential Scholarship in the $18-23K range, maybe more. You’ll also get invited to the Singer/Stamps Weekends where your chances of a full tuition scholarship would be 1 in 4 or better. Congrats!</p>

<p>FF is more difficult to predict as the criteria for selection is not well understood (at least by me…!). Foote seems to be given to all Singer and Stamps awardees and high Presidential Scholarship recipients. Whether that is top 10% of Presidential’s or top 20% I don’t know. Not sure about Hammond.</p>

<p>thanks @Biocellar</p>

<p>HS in past send students to IVY and Top schools across USA not sure that make it competitive or not.
If we can get Full Tuition then that will be great, FF will be great too that means lot of AP credit and may start as Sophomore instead of Freshman…</p>

<p>In the past you had to apply ED or EA to be invited to the Stamps/Singer weekend. RD applicants were eligible to be invited to the 3rd Singer weekend only. The Singer scholarships were distributed evenly over all 3 weekends last year.</p>

<p>Is the 3rd weekend in March or April. If April then thats too close to May 1st deadline to decide on schools.</p>


<p>Last year it was April 6. Here is the old thread.</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>^^ Thanks for the links lot of good info.</p>

<p>I guess SS Invites start coming in first week of Feb for EA/ED and for RD invites must comes in late March when they announce the RD selection for acceptance to the school.
Lets see how 2014 goes for SS.</p>